wayno wrote:i think i'd be using different adjectives to awesome if i had to ride up it... you'd want to pick the weather... goldilocks weather, not too hot, not too cold, not too windy..
I love riding/running hills and would love a long hill climb like Mt Wellington around Canberra, while Canberra is blessed with some good hills they are all relatively short.
Last Friday I did 5 repeats (bike) up Black Mountain in the center of Canberra, 2.7k, 240 meters ascent each time at average of 8.9%, a total 1200 meters, the Sunday before, I did a 73k ride which had a total of 1700 meters ascent, on the way back it had a very nice 13k rolling/winding decent of 546 meters, I regularly reached speeds of 60-65kph, the ride up was a bit slower.