Nice Aurora Last Night

Did anybody else see the aurora australis last night? It wasn't terribly bright or colourful, but it was quite extensive in size. At times it occupied a fairly wide expanse with waves moving across the sky like many search lights fading in and out. It was well above the horizon too.
I posted about the high probability of an aurora to my (recently and begrudgingly revived) facebook account just before dark last night and got quite a few people following the facebook discussion and wanting to send them updates by phone, SMS and facebook as soon as I saw anything. I know of at least 10 people who got to see it after reading about it there, including three Taiwanese people staying at my sisters house.
Anyhow... 'tis a beautiful world we live in!
I posted about the high probability of an aurora to my (recently and begrudgingly revived) facebook account just before dark last night and got quite a few people following the facebook discussion and wanting to send them updates by phone, SMS and facebook as soon as I saw anything. I know of at least 10 people who got to see it after reading about it there, including three Taiwanese people staying at my sisters house.
Anyhow... 'tis a beautiful world we live in!