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overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 7:25 am
by wayno

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 10:48 am
by tibboh
This sux.
I wonder if they will change their policy if tourists start to perish from exposure or the wee and poo starts to build up!

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 10:52 am
by wayno
theres no budget accommodation at the airport and a bit of a shortage in chch after the earthquake, until thats addressed, the problem will persist

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 1:37 pm
by matagi
Given most people know what time their flight will get into Christchurch, then surely they are capable of making advance arrangements for accommodation also? If you can't afford one night's accommodation then maybe you should rethink your travel plans and budget.

Different story if they were stranded due to flight delays, etc. but this is not the case here.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 2:07 pm
by wayno
welcome to the world of backpackers in NZ, go on a shoe string, don't plan ahead, just wing it, crash anywhere anytime.
a million tourists a year, significant no are back packers... almost all leave from chch...

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 2:27 pm
by matagi
Nothing wrong with travelling like that as long as you're prepared to have things go awry every once in a while. Just don't whinge about it.

Does anyone have any experience of European airports? Do they allow people to sleep in the terminal overnight. I know in the US some airports do the same thing as Christchurch, although that's more due to the large numbers of homeless people who tend to take up residence.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 3:07 pm
by Hallu
Depends on the Airport. As the guys from CC said, it's because they don't have flight between midnight and 5 am. Most European airports do, so they don't kick anybody out. But then again in most European cities if you can't pay for a hotel night, you can wander around the city at night and still have fun. Christchurch is pretty much dead at night.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 3:21 pm
by matagi
Hallu wrote:Depends on the Airport. As the guys from CC said, it's because they don't have flight between midnight and 5 am. Most European airports do, so they don't kick anybody out. But then again in most European cities if you can't pay for a hotel night, you can wander around the city at night and still have fun. Christchurch is pretty much dead at night.

Dead at night? I thought Christchurch was pretty much dead after 5pm.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 3:33 pm
by Clusterpod
Now the people of Christchurch have to deal with people on the streets.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 4:22 pm
by wayno
ironically the average backpacker is the type of tourist who spends the most money by virtue of the fact they are more likely to be on a long term holiday than the average tourist. but in doing so they tend to stretch their money as far as they can....

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Sat 18 May, 2013 11:45 pm
by GPSGuided
Kia ora! ;)

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Mon 20 May, 2013 10:50 pm
by Lindsay
I can understand where the airport operator is coming from. A few people staying who are caught between flights is one thing, a couple of hundred simply using the terminal as a dosshouse is something else again. Also, the early hours of the morning are when much of the cleaning and maintenance is carried out. A bit hard to do if there are bodies sprawled everywhere. Not to mention the safety issues in the event of a fire etc.

As has been noted, this would be a good opportunity to set up cheap and basic accommodation rented on a hourly basis.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Tue 21 May, 2013 7:05 am
by wayno
also this is chch, its not a massive city, its less than a tenth the population of Melbourne, 200 people in that airport is pretty noticeable.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Tue 21 May, 2013 5:32 pm
by Rob A
Whats the problem. It isnt a new thing, its been happening for years. I dont know why the article says it came into effect whenever. Next people will be whining about the levee when you cross into airport territory on the last sector on public transport. No doubt the potatoe boilers will want to sue.

"Boult said after the earthquakes the airport had allowed people caught between flights to stay, but numbers got out of control."

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Tue 21 May, 2013 5:38 pm
by wayno
something to be aware of if people are considering turning up to the airport and expecting to find accommodation

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Tue 21 May, 2013 5:39 pm
by Rob A
The backpackers are well connected and a lot brighter than people here give them credit for. Id be surprised if any of them were not aware of the situation prior to leaving Bangkok or Sydney or Vientiane, let alone being in Kiwi. Additionally, I have NEVER had people not try to help me out in Christchurch. Plenty of airports close at night round the world, everyones done a concrete camp somewhere.

Re: overnighting tourists kicked out of chch airport

PostPosted: Thu 23 May, 2013 10:35 pm
by Mark F
Who was it that said about backpackers - "they arrive with a clean pair of underpants and a five dollar note - and change neither" ?