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Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Sun 19 May, 2013 12:51 pm
by wayno

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Sun 19 May, 2013 1:11 pm
by Jason68
Bahahahaaa.... Can you imagine the size of that sucker?! To drag off an adult :shock: I'm glad we only have hoop snakes up here 8)

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Sun 19 May, 2013 1:16 pm
by wayno
my next trip to aus, i'm bringing a very big gun!

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Sun 19 May, 2013 1:19 pm
by walkinTas
No you're not. We have gun laws! :D

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Sun 19 May, 2013 1:21 pm
by Strider
Jason68 wrote:Bahahahaaa.... Can you imagine the size of that sucker?! To drag off an adult :shock: I'm glad we only have hoop snakes up here 8)

I think he was being eaten, not dragged! :shock:

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Sun 19 May, 2013 1:45 pm
by walkinTas
wayno wrote:my next trip to aus, i'm bringing a very big gun!
Not only do we have gun laws, dropbears are endangered megafauna, so you can't shot them anyway.

I love all the youtube responses to the video with folk saying the think its fake. lol!

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Mon 20 May, 2013 9:37 am
by doogs
Next bushwalk I'm bringing a sacrificial New Zealander ;)

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Mon 20 May, 2013 9:39 am
by wayno
note to self: never walk with Doogs....

Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Mon 20 May, 2013 11:26 am
by michael_p
That video is hilarious.

Years ago my wife and stayed on a farm for a week. During our visit a bus load of US school kids arrived for a few days stay. Well the farm staff had a little fun with them. I accompanied the farm staff on a night trip with the kids (wouldn't be able to do that nowadays, but I digress). On the way back a number of the kids where sitting in the back of a large trailer being slowly towed behind a troopie. Earlier that evening the farm manager had given the kids a talk about hoop snakes, dropbears, yowies and the like so the kids where a bit worked up. On the way back from the evening trip the farm manager stopped the troopie under a large gum tree and leaned out of the window yelling...dropbears...dropbears...whilst wildly waving a torch at the big tree. Needless to say that there were a number screams and a fair bit of panic amongst the kids. After a minute or two he got out and admitted that there are no dropbears and that they were in no danger, thankfully the kids and their teachers could see the funny side of it and all had a good laugh. Apparently the farm manager did his dropbear attack party trick with every visiting group.


Re: Drop Bear Attack Caught on Film - New Zealander Mauled

PostPosted: Sun 26 May, 2013 2:34 pm
by Onestepmore