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It appears that the paleo craze is reaching critical mass. Next month, the Discovery Channel will roll out its new reality survival show, Naked and Afraid.
Like many show of its ilk, NaA follows a pair of complete strangers, a man and a woman, as they attempt to survive in the wilderness for 21 days with nothing but their smarts and one personal item each.
The twist? They’re completely naked and smeared with mud. (Discovery was reportedly also considering the titles, I’ve Made a Huge Mistake and Stroppy Jiggling in the Wilderness.)
The show will follow a new couple each week as they attempt to navigate the extreme discomfort of being naked with a complete stranger on national television.
Naked and Afraid already gained some degree of notoriety earlier this month after the show’s producer, Steve Rankin, was bitten by a Fer-de-lance while filming the show and nearly lost his foot. Bear Grylls, whose Man vs. Wild series is also produced by Rankin, later triggered a nation-wide gag reflex when he Tweeted a gruesome photo of the foot (WARNING: Extremely gross).
The show premieres Sunday, June 23, at 10:20 p.m. ET/PT, after Skywire Live With Nik Wallenda.