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Jazz and Flyfishing

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jun, 2013 10:07 am
by Onestepmore
These guys are great
Jazz and Flyfishing
I always look forwards to their short videos
I've been to Sweden once for about 6 weeks 20 years ago, but another trip to Scandinavia is definitely on my bucket list

Season One trailer

All videos

There are heaps
Frog of Fire
Flies and cows
Can't find it atm, but a funny one where they are pretty much eating flies for dinner that fall into the trangia as they are cooking, a camps stool gets burned accidently. Normal camp stuff
I envy their fish
I love jazz

Re: Jazz and Flyfishing

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jun, 2013 1:18 pm
by neilmny
Magic.......the poor unfortunate having to fly fish that country :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thanks for sharing OSM.

Re: Jazz and Flyfishing

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jun, 2013 1:59 pm
by camusunary_ben
That's great stuff ... good find.

Re: Jazz and Flyfishing

PostPosted: Wed 05 Jun, 2013 2:21 pm
by peter-robinson
Thanks for sharing them.