If this issue has got under your skin as it has mine this weekend is the time to become active and show your agitation.
This is happening Sunday.
The facebook event page is here with all you need to know. There is a bus from Launceston, the Huon and Hobart.
https://www.facebook.com/events/654087197992111/There will be coffee and snacks available, music from the Christopher Coleman Collective (they are fab) and others. If your a Home and Away fan(or your kids are) the lovely Lisa Gormley will also be speaking. After the rally there will be guided walks you can take part in. It is a family friendly, inclusive day of peaceful protest to let UNESCO know the people stand against this.
A media release happened yesterday with this new short film, put together entirely by volunteers dedicated to the cause.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNzpLyj ... e=youtu.beIf you are on the big island or can't make it, make your feelings felt by posting on social media with a selfie, a sign of support, your favourite image or story from the TWWWHA and use the #IStand4TasForests hashtag.
You can also join this group for ongoing information as to how things progress and to see images of the rally and these stunning forests
https://www.facebook.com/TasWorldHeritageIt's organised by the Bob Brown Foundation and a huge team of volunteers have been working behind the scenes to make this happen. It'll be beautiful. I hope to see you there.