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How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 9:35 am
by Overlandman
On the 2nd of October it absolutely poored at Ulverstone & we ended up with 45 mm in 24 hours
So I can only imagine what 258mm in 24hrs is like

From ABC News ... ection=tas

The hamlet of Gray in north-east Tasmania is a regular feature on the state's heaviest daily rainfall charts.

By Wednesday morning, the local gauge had recorded 258 millimetres of rain in 24 hours.

Gray, which lies under Mount Elephant about 10 kilometres from Tasmania's east coast, cops more rain than other towns in the area.

Peter Rubenach, who has lived in Gray for 46 years, says he would not want to live anywhere else.

"It's beautiful and peaceful and usually quite safe from fires," he said.

"It's home and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else."

Mr Rubenach has a traditional rain gauge on his property, which he dutifully checks every morning before passing the figures on to the Bureau of Meteorology.

The latest downpour pushed his equipment to the limit.

"It only had about two more millimetres it could have had in the gauge or it would've run over," he said.

Mr Rubenach does not see the task of monitoring the regular rainfalls as a chore.

"People phone us that are on the catchment areas of the river further down to know what’s happening," he said.

"They want to be prepared to move their stock."

Gray resident Elaine Vulich isn't usually worried by overnight rain, but Tuesday night's downpour was enough to disturb her sleep.

"The rain kept us awake quite a bit," she said.

"It was pretty heavy at times and especially when it was splashing against the windows and on the deck, it was pretty horrific.

"Whether that’s because we're in with the mountain and the ocean, I don't know, it just seems to all drop here."

While Gray received its 258 millimetre pour, 25 kilometres away at Fingal just 20 millimetres fell.

Climatologist Ian Barnes-Keoghan says Gray is susceptible to extremely high totals, but the end of spring isn't usually when they happen.

"November's not a usual time to get really high rainfall totals," he said.

"The highest daily rainfall totals do tend to occur more in autumn."

For those sick of the wet weather, there may be some good news to come.

"There's some indication that we'll probably settle down to a relatively normal November," Mr Barnes-Keoghan said.

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 10:09 am
by ULWalkingPhil
It's like hell. We had to put up with it two years in a row. I hope it don't happen again.

The worst is the flash flooding, and it continues for a week before water subsides, at least where I live.

We are having temps and humidity now, we normally don't see till January February.
What does this mean?
Weather not what it used to be.
I can't imagine what February is going to be like for us.
It's normally our hottest most humid days. We are getting those days now.

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 12:36 pm
by wayno
it's not uncommon in fiordland, like standing under a shower.... except often its more like a horizontal hosing...

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 12:39 pm
by wayno
milford sound in heavy rain...

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 1:48 pm
by Giddy_up
The last 2 years we have had 5427mm of rain. UL Phil knows what that looks like coming down the creek!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 14 Nov, 2013 3:11 pm
by ULWalkingPhil
Ive been caught out in fast rising creeks while out researching freshwater turtles.

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Sat 16 Nov, 2013 6:24 pm
by MickyB
Melbourne's average yearly rainfall is about 650mm so I find it incredible to comapre that 258mm in 24 hours. If we get 25mm/1" of rain in a day it's usually the first thing they talk about on the news.

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Wed 18 Dec, 2013 10:07 pm
by headwerkn
Where I grew up (Dodges Ferry) annual rainfall was (and still is) around 350mm a year - pretty darn dry.

Back in 2007 I got caught up in the floods around Noosa - 719mm of rain. In 24 hours. Something like 1000mm in 3-4 days.

Never seen anything like it... even the torrential evening downpours in Saigon were mere drizzle in comparison.

Cheers, Ben.

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 19 Dec, 2013 9:11 am
by GPSGuided
When is it considered to be biblical proportion?

Re: How Wet is 258mm of Rain

PostPosted: Thu 19 Dec, 2013 10:53 am
by Giddy_up
After 40 days and 40 nights :wink: