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The Happy Walk is Back!

PostPosted: Wed 05 Feb, 2014 11:09 am
by TerraMer
Hi Everyone :D

It has been a while since The Happy Walk did any real walking but I haven't stopped doing things in the background and preparing for the next step.

March 18th marks not only exactly 1 year since I put the whole walk on hold for surgery but also the start of my first walk across Australia. Fingers crossed it will the first full walk and not just the first attempt :lol:

I will be starting the 8250km (approx) zigzaggy walk from Perth back to Melbourne very early in the morning near Hillarys Beach and slowly making my way across at around 30km/day for 18 months including a break for summer and one of Bob Cooper's Outback Survival courses. I don't plan to do any bushwalking but there will be a few sections where I'll leave the main roads to enjoy some special scenery and serenity. This is a google map link to the planned path

Some of you may remember I started the walk in Tasmania on September 11th 2012 without a fundraising cause and within a few weeks I decided to raise funds for Lifeline. I opened up a fundraising account which wasn't very user friendly so I have changed to a fantastic new platform with GoFundraise - Making a Difference designed for individual events and fundraisers and all donations go direct to the chosen charity, which is Lifeline. My fundraising goal over the 7 years of The Happy Walk is $1million and this week it reached $1658.00! This may not look like a big amount in comparison but for Lifeline, every cent counts and helps them save lives and provide crisis counseling. Here is the link to my fundraiser, please donate and help me help Lifeline

There are a few reasons why The Happy Walk exists, personal and altruistic. It all started because I wanted to walk around Australia, experience it in slow motion, many years ago but life happened and it remained just a dream. After depression and PTSD made me very sick and I attempted suicide a few times I walked myself to recovery and started turning the dream into a reality to help promote mental health, encourage people to talk about their feelings and get help, talk to communities about how they can help each other and recognise the signs of depression and suicidal feelings. The Happy Walk is not a simple 15-18,000km circuit because I feel a need to carry the message of depression awareness and suicide prevention to towns, communities and workplaces in regions and locations where mental health services are stretched beyond their limit at best. It is also a useful platform to help Lifeline who helped me when I was in crisis. I can do talks and presentations as I go (not for people under 15yo, I won't have that much energy spare) so if you know anyone who might be interested in The Happy Walk visiting please send them my contact details!__contact and I can let them know when I hope to be in their town or locality.

I have some excellent sponsors and supporting businesses who have helped The Happy Walk with 10% discounts to fully sponsored donations-in-kind and a few waiting in the wings for my current gear to need replacing including
Wilderness Sports
Mont Adventure Equipment
Strive Food
Columbia Australia
Ocean Guardians
Bolle Safety Australia
Bob Cooper Outback Survival
Tasty Bite
Toll Ipec
Tier Gear
Sponsorship is a huge help as I am self-funding The Happy Walk.

If you are not already and would like to follow The Happy Walk you have a few options, including some non-facebook ones :)
Twitter nb most of my twitter posts are automatically shared from facebook posts but i try to include short ones so you don't need to visit the facebook page to get the full message.
and a Panoramio account where I occasionally post up some photos from the walk and other travels

So, if you see me plodding along the side of the road pushing a bright yellow and blue trekking cart please stop if it is safe and have a chat, I get tired of talking to myself :mrgreen:

There are links to everything I have just mentioned and more at my website

Thank you for all your support and I look forward to meeting more of you on my way around Australia :D

Take Care

Re: The Happy Walk is Back!

PostPosted: Wed 05 Feb, 2014 12:02 pm
by Onestepmore
Best wishes. It's a huge undertaking and I wish you every success!

Re: The Happy Walk is Back!

PostPosted: Wed 05 Feb, 2014 4:06 pm
by DarrenM
Good on you Terra.

All the best. :)

Re: The Happy Walk is Back!

PostPosted: Wed 05 Feb, 2014 5:35 pm
by simonm
Hope you have some good shoes Terra :D .

Re: The Happy Walk is Back!

PostPosted: Thu 06 Feb, 2014 4:26 pm
by Eremophila
Yeah good effort Terra. Looking forward to watching your progress!

Re: The Happy Walk is Back!

PostPosted: Tue 18 Feb, 2014 8:48 pm
by TerraMer
Thanks for the support :D :D :D

If anyone wants to join me for a bit of the first day from Perth on Tuesday 18th March I will be leaving Mullaloo at 6am, Hillarys marina at 7am and arriving at City Beach by 11am. In the afternoon I will slowly make my way down the coast paths to Coogee by 6pm.

Similar itinerary each day, 6am starts and hoping to make camp by 6pm, walking 2/3rds in the morning, resting for a couple of hours in the middle and taking it easy in the afternoon. By mid spring this will change to night walking to avoid doing anything in the heat.

I encourage people to walk with me for a bit or meet up when I'm walking through your town. If you want to walk with me remember I don't have a support vehicle to drive you back when you get bored and I can't allow people to walk or camp with me beside the road for obvious safety reasons.

Preston Bch
Peppermint Grove
Hamelin Bay
... approx 60 days to Esperance then take each day as it comes beyond there.

Re: The Happy Walk is Back!

PostPosted: Wed 05 Mar, 2014 2:25 pm
by walkon
Walkon terramer I hope to see you when you come over east, will follow and support your travels. Loved your funny animal tales, and I now know what an antechinus is. Though my daughter didnt think much of kissing goannas.

Be strong, be safe and be determined