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What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 6:18 pm
by Onestepmore
I honestly have no idea what inspired me to log in and post.
I'm pretty sure I lurked for a while.
But I have problems keeping my mouth shut.
As hubby will attest to.......

(Grammar nazis ignore pls)

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 6:55 pm
by Clusterpod
I lurked for at least a year, probably more.

I think it was some opposing attitudes towards conservation and the environment that inspired me to sign up and post. I guess I've always been argumentative :P

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 7:23 pm
by north-north-west
I don't remember.
I know I lobbed in here whilst looking for information about a walk, but can't even recall which one . . . oh no, wait a sec, it was about the Bert Nicholls Memorial Palatial Monstrosity at Windy Fridge. I was looking for some info on the design and construction process, and Giggle turned up a thread on the forum - which was still BWT in those days - and being a walker I joined up immediately.
Still not sure if it was a good move . . .

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 7:43 pm
by neilmny
I seem to remember lurking for some time then (I just checked back) my first post
was to "Caro" regarding one of her how to videos.

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 8:07 pm
by Bubbalouie
I lurked for a long time... Then in a panic I needed some new boots with a short break in and posted in the hopes some helpful recommendations.... I think

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 9:31 pm
by Strider
Got back into day walking a couple of years ago and was searching for info on Frenchman's Cap for my first overnight walk in a couple of years. Lurked for a while then first post was in a knife thread (one of my other hobbies).

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 9:49 pm
by stepbystep
Me, it's all about me.

An introduction of course. NNW was gracious in her welcoming, for real!

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sat 08 Feb, 2014 10:12 pm
by north-north-west
stepbystep wrote:Me, it's all about me.

An introduction of course. NNW was gracious in her welcoming, for real!

*scratches head* I thought you would have been here before me.
Anyway, you probably just misread the sarcasm . . .

(edit - no, from the dates you joined just a few days later. My siren-like allure at work once again.)

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 5:50 am
by wayno
I answered a request for info about a couple of walks in nz

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 7:21 am
by taswegian
Pretty sure it was chipping in with my 2 bobs worth on a good walk in Tasmania query.
Promoting The Walls!

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 9:34 am
by doogs
stepbystep wrote:Me, it's all about me.

An introduction of course. NNW was gracious in her welcoming, for real!

Mine was an introduction too, and I was welcomed by my fellow Scot Corvus 8) (next was something about the Dell track in the Meander Forest Reserve).

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 12:25 pm
by Son of a Beach
My first (that is still in the system) was our write up of a South West Walking Simulation that we came up with during a very long and wet walking trip.

Judging by the topic ID in the URL, and the number of other members at the time, I suspect it was actually my 4th post, but the first 3 were probably just testing and long since deleted. So I suppose it was my first fair dinkum post. :-)

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Sun 09 Feb, 2014 8:25 pm
by corvus
poop scooper
After many variations I only carry a large snow peg non bending and just a wee bit hard on the hands in these dry times :D
by corvus
Mon 23 Apr, 2007 8:35 pm

Forum: Equipment
Topic: Poop-a-Scoopers
Replies: 90
Views: 5343

I now use an IPOOD custom made cat hole digger who would have "thunk" that all of these years later the subject of poo and toilet paper "flowers" still arises :shock: .

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Mon 10 Feb, 2014 7:12 am
by tibboh
I was enquiring about the bushfire situation in the Arthurs last year with a PWS ranger who suggested checking for updates on this very helpful website called '' :shock: Wow, so much information on one site and you can ask questions and have them answered by people who have been there....too good to be true. Pictures and trip reports to drool over and inspire, and cringe at. I signed up strait away and think my first post was a question about the quality of the camp sites on the W.Arthurs....groundsheet etc. Very helpful from day one :D

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Mon 10 Feb, 2014 7:40 pm
by Lizzy
Back in 2009 Climberman was asking about easy trips for kids near Wollongong & I chimed in about Canoeing up the Shoalhaven from Tallowa Dam.

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Wed 12 Feb, 2014 5:41 pm
by Jaala
Still new but I'll chip in. First I said hi. No one said hi back :( But that's ok! :) Then on to Treseder, because I couldn't help myself.

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Wed 12 Feb, 2014 6:06 pm
by vieve
Good thread. My first post was responding to a question about whether or not it was possible to do the Coast Track (Royal NP) in one day. I still lurk more than I post but really love reading this forum.

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Thu 03 Apr, 2014 6:15 am
by awildland
My first post was completely partner and I were looking for transport! We were hoping to find someone to pick us up way out in the boonies at the end of a wilderness walk through Washpool National thing is that walk now features in the latest issue of's e-mag!!! out yesterday! :D :P

Since that first post though I've enjoyed cruising around all the threads and conversations. So many people passionate about the bush is wonderful to find. And I often check the transport page just in case another poor walker like me needs a lift...!

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Thu 03 Apr, 2014 12:52 pm
by cajun
After lurking for a couple of weeks to get info on gear, my first (very recent) post was looking for recommendations re a bricks and mortar shop where I could get good service after being very dissapointed in the Kent st shops. Got some great advice, and now we have some kit, I am looking forward to starting our bushwalking career. We have a week off in May and are looking to do some of the daywalks in the Blackheath area. Prior to that we will do some in the RNP. I have been a member of a few other forums for quite a while, and find the community, information and helpfulness here are top of the class.

Re: What was your first post about?

PostPosted: Thu 03 Apr, 2014 5:22 pm
by beardless
I really hope someone posts their first post on this thread. Mine was about Merino underpants. Now I am hooked on them and the forum.