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Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Wed 14 Mar, 2007 12:00 pm
by Son of a Beach
When I want to go on a family holiday doing something other than bushwalking, I really enjoy what my wife and I call "car camping". Ie, where you can drive the car right up to the camp site, and take as much gear as you can fit in the car (eg, comfy mattress, good 2 burner gas stove, bean bags, eski, etc).

I know of a few good camping spots like this, but they're mostly at the beach. As much as I love the beach, it's good to go somewhere else occasionally, too. The only one I know not near a beach is at the Blue Tier (the old cricket oval can be used for camping, and has a fire place or two, and a few bull ants).

Does anyone know of any other good free camping spots not at the beach, where you can drive right into the camping area and set up a huge canvas tent?

PostPosted: Sun 18 Mar, 2007 5:29 pm
by The Caveman
Hi Nik,

reckon I have one you might like.

Mt Victoria Rd, from Ringarooma to Pyengana.

As the road crosses the upper Sth George River, there is a reserve area (grassed) where you could pitch something substantial and wander around above the St Columba falls or over to the top of the valley ridge for some speccy panoramic views to Bass Strait and the islands.




PostPosted: Sun 18 Mar, 2007 7:16 pm
by Son of a Beach
Thanks mate... I'll have to check it out. Haven't been down that way for a long time. A motorbike ride to the Pub in the Paddock a few years ago. It is a nice area.

PostPosted: Sun 18 Mar, 2007 7:28 pm
by aprior
There's a good spot on the St Patricks on the bridge that crosses near Diddleum Plains. It's close to the road so you can "car camp" if you want and it's a good base for some cross country day walks around the area.

PostPosted: Mon 26 Mar, 2007 11:12 pm
by Joe
What about the blue tier? Base of Mt POimena provides camping i believe and its perfect base to walk any of the awesome spots in that area. Pop down off the tier and into the old mines on the side of the tier in the forrestry area if you do go...they are well worth a look.


PostPosted: Wed 17 Oct, 2007 8:30 pm
by flyfisher
There are some very nice free range camp spots at Arthurs lakes. My favourite is at Jonah bay off Gunns marsh road
2 families of us have camped there every Easter for many years.

We dont camp in the organized area near the boat ramp, but take a small roughish track to the right about 100 or so metres back.This can lead to the other side of the bay where some nice spots can be found along the edge of the trees.

No toilets here so a shovel, toilet tent etc is required.

The wildlife will provide many camera opportunities,as birds wallaby and deer are common.

The bush is open and easy walking, with plenty of firewood not too far away.

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sat 05 Jan, 2008 1:08 pm
by TassieMargie
Have you guys heard of Lake King William? It is in the South West and is absolutely beautiful. We camped at two places on this beautiful lake. One at the south and one at the north. The south one, Butlers Gorge is absolutely gorgeous with heaps to see. There are no facilities but the it is worth visiting. We have written a review of both campsites at Real Tasmania if you would like to see it

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sun 11 May, 2008 1:08 pm
by flyfisher
Here are a few photos of our Arthurs Lake campsite where we go once or twice a year.

plelty of wildlife and beautiful bush to wander in.

The fishing can be good at times too.




Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Thu 15 May, 2008 9:20 pm
by Mickeymoo
Brings back old memories FF, my old man and I used to go to Arthurs when we first started our annual trout fishing outings about 9-10 yrs ago, we've now gone to pine tier lagoon for the last 4-5yrs as its a bit less crowded, jonah bay is a real nice little spot though.

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Fri 09 Jan, 2009 10:56 pm
by ben.h
In the south there is Esperance forest camping ground (beside the Esperance river). Close access to Southwest national park and some good walks such as Duckhole lake / Creekton Falls, Adamsons Falls and Adamsons Peak to name a few. ... -t317.html

N.B: I think this camping ground is managed by Forestry Tasmania and some of the surrounding forests (outside of the WHA) are "working forests".

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sat 10 Jan, 2009 4:14 pm
by the_camera_poser
Nik- do you have a copy of the Free Camping in Tasmania book?

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sat 10 Jan, 2009 8:50 pm
by Son of a Beach
the_camera_poser wrote:Nik- do you have a copy of the Free Camping in Tasmania book?

No, I don't think I've seen that one.

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sat 10 Jan, 2009 9:23 pm
by the_camera_poser
It's got tonnes of free camping sites all over the state. I'll find the info for it tommorrow and get it to you. In the meanwhile, if you have an area of interest, let me know and I'll give you what the book has listed for that region.

Cheers, Bob

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sun 11 Jan, 2009 9:01 am
by the_camera_poser
Free Camping in Tasmania, 3rd Edition, S&S Collis, 2005, ISBN 0 9757805 0 6

My copy was around $11. It's a green-jacketed, soft-cover book.

I can do a book review for you for the site in a few weeks if you'd like.

Do let me know if there's a specific area you're interested in.

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sun 11 Jan, 2009 3:17 pm
by Son of a Beach
the_camera_poser wrote:Free Camping in Tasmania, 3rd Edition, S&S Collis, 2005, ISBN 0 9757805 0 6

My copy was around $11. It's a green-jacketed, soft-cover book.

I can do a book review for you for the site in a few weeks if you'd like.

Do let me know if there's a specific area you're interested in.

I may have to get a copy of that one day. I'm in Launceston, so I guess areas that are not too far from L'ton would be good, but on the other hand I don't mind travelling a bit. Let us know what's around Lonny for starters, anyhow. It may motivate me to look into my own copy.

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sun 11 Jan, 2009 7:28 pm
by the_camera_poser
Nik- it's your lucky day. I just discovered I have two copies. PM me your address and I'll mail one to you- it's the least I can do for the work you do on here.

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Sun 11 Jan, 2009 7:34 pm
by Son of a Beach
PM sent. I'll owe you one!

Re: Any Camping Areas NOT Near a Beach?

PostPosted: Fri 01 May, 2009 9:12 pm
by Tassyexplorer
Hi Son of a beach, This is my first time on this Web Site, answering questions. See if I get through. Good camp site is Griffin Park on the South Esk River at Mathinna. It is about the size of three footy fields or more. I have been using it since 1980. It can be so quiet and peacefull. Now it is in the free camping guide books so many mainlander use it. At certain times of the year trail bikes and four wheel bikes use the area. I myself use it as a base for my exploring the old mining towns around the bush with a four wheel drive. So people like me and some bikers have their day trips out, but some of the youth have to hang around the camp site on bikes. The area has many foresty, logging and bush track which no one could cover them all. The river is great for kids and you will never run out of water. Drop toilets and some tables with fire places are scatter around. On the western side of the grounds you can watch the sun set over Ben Lomond. But if you don't agree with logging do not go there at the moment, as I have watched a forest grow and it has just been logged next to the camp area. But a lot of native bush is still intact around and you will never I repeat never be short of fire wood. Also the local Parks and Wildlife come and collect the rubbish from the rubbish drums. Each night the possems will make a noise in the drums another disctraction sometimes. Well thats it.