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Not bushwalking related but ...

PostPosted: Fri 12 Jun, 2015 9:10 am
by LandSailor
I thought this might be of interest to bushwalkers who enjoy the experience of simplicity and self-reliance....its about permanently living in a van (or "boondocking" as they call it in the US).
Lots of vids on youtube about this.

Without Bounds - Perspectives on mobile living

Re: Not bushwalking related but ...

PostPosted: Fri 26 Jun, 2015 1:35 am
by Zone-5
Parking tickets would be an ongoing problem. I wonder where they would send them to if you had no fixed address?

Re: Not bushwalking related but ...

PostPosted: Fri 26 Jun, 2015 9:05 am
by Strider
Zone-5 wrote:Parking tickets would be an ongoing problem. I wonder where they would send them to if you had no fixed address?

Under your windscreen wiper. Just like any other parking ticket?

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