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Entomology Enthusiasts - any idea what this is?

PostPosted: Mon 07 Dec, 2015 8:28 am
by logicalor
Hi there

A few of us went for a walk up to the top of Love Creek at Mount Glorious in SEQ yesterday.

On the way up we spied this insect on a tree (see attached). It was pretty big - body maybe 30-50mm, and as you can see the antennae were pretty long as well.

To me it resembles some sort of huge cricket, but I'm no entomologist.

Anyone have any better ideas?

Re: Entomology Enthusiasts - any idea what this is?

PostPosted: Mon 07 Dec, 2015 8:41 am
by jackhinde
A Spiny Katydid Phricta sp. I believe.

Re: Entomology Enthusiasts - any idea what this is?

PostPosted: Mon 07 Dec, 2015 8:52 am
by logicalor
jackhinde wrote:A Spiny Katydid Phricta sp. I believe.

Awesome - A Google Image search seems to verify that!

Thanks :)

Re: Entomology Enthusiasts - any idea what this is?

PostPosted: Mon 07 Dec, 2015 9:21 pm
by Happy Pirate
Wow! Nice find!