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bird photos

Wed 12 Apr, 2017 3:54 am
by wayno
RIP comedian John clarke who was also a bird photographer who published a nice collection of photos online ... 5182430555
Re: bird photos

Wed 12 Apr, 2017 9:14 am
by cajun
Thanks for that Wayno. Some lovely shots.
I will certainly miss his humour.
Re: bird photos

Fri 14 Apr, 2017 12:16 pm
by Franco
Thanks Wayno.
He was a very talented man.
Re: bird photos

Fri 14 Apr, 2017 1:59 pm
by wayno
not sure how familiar Aussies are with his Fred Dagg the farmer character satire in NZ where he lampooned the "she'll be right" farmer stereotype, theres a lot of him on youtube...
he chose a simple character so that he could think on his feet and ad lib everything as he went along.
Re: bird photos

Sat 15 Apr, 2017 8:31 am
by Franco
I was in NZ when Fred Dagg was about with his dog.
I liked his son Trevor, not so much his other son Trevor.
(at the time every male New Zealander not called Fred was called Trevor)