Devon Annie wrote:I used to go up the mountain for lunch occasionally when I was at Hobart Matric - that is one thing I really miss living on the NW Coast, I don't have a mountain to get lost on, 20 minutes drive away. I drove out of Hobart in rush hour traffic recently though, and I don't miss that!
There is a down side, when I'm trapped in front of the computer for hours on end, the reflection on the screen is of that wonderful lump of rock across the river.
When the weather is clear it acts like a Siren(dangerously alluring

) - and man is it hard to concentrate
We have had some beautiful days in the South recently, and I have been so busy - you almost want to keep the curtains closed
Two more weeks of hard graft and the calender is clearing, along with the weather hopefully

Sorry DA but rush hour traffic

Hobart gets about 15mins a day, and that's a bad day

Always cracks me up when fully fledged Taswegians complain about traffic