A Bird in the Hand

I have recently become the owner of an iPhone and was pointed in the direction of an app called "A Bird in the Hand" put out by Parks & Wildlife. I reckon it's great value for $1.19. The following is a quote from their web site:
I have just posted this in case other iPhone users would like to check it out.
Quality photographs, vocalisations and detailed information about 23 of Tasmania’s common and endemic birds are available in a new Apple iPod/iPhone Application.
Birds currently featured in the app include all endemic species, endangered species such as the forty-spotted pardalote and the orange-bellied parrot and common birds such as the Tasmanian native hen, dusky robin, eastern rosella and flame robin.
A Bird in the Hand is available using Apple’s free iTunes software via the iTunes App store. It is only compatible with Apple iPhones and iPod touch devices at this stage.
I have just posted this in case other iPhone users would like to check it out.