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PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 4:19 pm
by Taurë-rana
Has anybody else tried to claim Youth Allowance for their children if they own a business? I don't know who works these things out but their policies are unbelievable - they want to know my ffamily savings and spending for the last two financial years to the last detail. The fact that it is completely irrelevant from now on as my circumstances have completely changed is beside the point. The fact that I'm running a business and therefore do not have the time to go looking for any records that I have and filling the forms in is not taken into account. Who on earth has all that detail anyway? It isn't possible to do, so, no Youth Allowance. Maybe that's their intent.

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 4:59 pm
Just do what all of us good sensible Centrelink customers do and lie

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 5:13 pm
by prickle
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Just do what all of us good sensible Centrelink customers do and lie
.. I'll tell Janet on you :lol:

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 5:40 pm
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 7:12 pm
by Taurë-rana
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Just do what all of us good sensible Centrelink customers do and lie
Yes, well that did occur to me :lol: Just thought I'd lie about getting my income from a business, but I think they might pick that up as I have to include a copy of my tax assessment notice. It's just so frustrating and time consuming. I think they require it because of the people who claim everything through their business so don't have much income, apparently, but as usual the people doing the right thing are the ones that pay.

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 7:15 pm
Yeh they make it very very difficult to do anything! We dont really tell porkies to them, but at times you sure feel like it!

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 7:28 pm
by sthughes
I'm glad it's not easy for people to take my taxes for themselves! When I received youth allowance it was a pain but at least it helps stop a few fraudsters.

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 23 Nov, 2009 7:30 pm
sthughes wrote:I'm glad it's not easy for people to take my taxes for themselves! When I received youth allowance it was a pain but at least it helps stop a few fraudsters.

Maybe so, but it makes it hard for the people who really need it. I have a child who is slightly autistic and my wife has a health problem that i wont go into here and it's VERY VERY frustrating trying to get spoken to by a bunch of people who just presume your not on the straight and narrow

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Sun 29 Nov, 2009 2:48 pm
by ronin
Frustrating is a word, we moved while our kids were still in school but neglected to inform Centrelink ( our bad i guess) but as a result unbeknownst to us, our eldest became unregistered for youth alowance with Centrelink which was bad but just to make it worse, we didn't receive Rudds handout earlier this year as he wasn't registered as still at school.
If they stuff up they won't let you know, but look out if you get things wrong.

Re: Centrelink

PostPosted: Mon 30 Nov, 2009 9:21 pm
by Taurë-rana
They also neglected to inform me that unless you register with Child Support within 3 months of separation, even if you have a 50/50 arrangement, you lose any FTB payments other than the base payment. How on earth you are supposed to know that I don't know. These are the same people who paid $24000 into my bank account and didn't notice.