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Waiting for rain

PostPosted: Fri 31 Jul, 2020 8:39 am
by Eremophila
A recently purchased rain jacket has shown signs that it may not be fit for purpose, ie. not waterproof. On a day of light rain the water wasn't beading as it should, and the large cargo pockets (and their contents) were damp inside.

So I'm waiting for a day of decent rain to give it a better test run. It's July in Warrnambool..... I've been waiting over a week. Today is lovely & sunny.

If this keeps up I'll have to go and sit under the garden sprinkler. :roll:

Re: Waiting for rain

PostPosted: Fri 31 Jul, 2020 11:58 am
by ofuros
...or the next time you have a shower, put the jacket on. :D
Cold water's been done before. :wink: