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Perspectives for Numbers, Distance and Time

PostPosted: Tue 26 Jan, 2021 7:35 pm
by commando
A Million Seconds is 11.5 Days
A Million Minutes 694.4 Days
A Billion Seconds is 31.7 Years
A Billion Minutes is 1902 Years
A Trillion Seconds is 31709.7 Years
A Trillion Minutes is 19025.8 Centuries
One Light Year distance is 9.46 Trillion Kilometres
The Brightest Star in our Galaxy is Sirius at 8.6 Light years away
The Second Brightest Star in our Galaxy is Canopus at 310 light years away
Our Sun is 0.000015813 Light Years away
If you have a Billion Dollars and spend one dollar every minute it will take 1902 years.

Re: Perspectives for Numbers, Distance and Time

PostPosted: Tue 26 Jan, 2021 8:54 pm
by bernieq
You might want to edit your post. The one and only star in our solar system (and therefore the brightest) is the Sun.

Sirius and Canopus are in our our galaxy, the Milky Way, not in our solar system (fortunately, or we'd all be toast!)

Re: Perspectives for Numbers, Distance and Time

PostPosted: Tue 26 Jan, 2021 9:52 pm
by commando
Seventeen Million Minks will be killed in Denmark because of a theory about the spread of Germ Warfare Covid-19.
Humans are the weakest link...

Re: Perspectives for Numbers, Distance and Time

PostPosted: Wed 27 Jan, 2021 5:12 am
by ribuck
Suppose you walked the Larapinta Trail every two weeks. In just under seven years you would have walked as far as the circumference of the earth.

Re: Perspectives for Numbers, Distance and Time

PostPosted: Wed 27 Jan, 2021 5:31 am
After reading this thread, several seconds of my life were lost never to be regained.

Re: Perspectives for Numbers, Distance and Time

PostPosted: Sun 07 Feb, 2021 10:54 am
by north-north-west
ILUVSWTAS wrote:After reading this thread, several seconds of my life were lost never to be regained.

They would have been lost anyway. At least this thread supplied a minimal possibility that there would also be a gain (learning something).