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Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Sun 13 Nov, 2022 6:57 pm
by phATty
A sad reality of the Tasmanian University Bushwalking Club is its lack of logo. I feel like we need something to raise proud in the air put on a tshirt or atleast silently admire.
Post your favourite walking club emblems, feel free to discuss and share. Would also be happy to take any suggestions anyone may have!

I've always been quite fond of the Sydney University Bushwalking Club's logo, great motto too!:


Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Mon 14 Nov, 2022 3:58 am
by ribuck
phATty, I decided to play around with AI image generators. First, I asked DALL-E to generate a "logo for a forum about bushwalking in australia". This was the best it could come up with, but clearly it understands the concept of a logo:

lfafabia.png (423.21 KiB) Viewed 9899 times

Unfortunately, I've run out of free credits for DALL-E until next month, so I tried the free options at the Stable Diffusion image generator. ... -diffusion
It doesn't really know the concept of a logo, but this was what it came up with for "Tasmanian bushwalker, cartoon":

tasbw.jpg (124.14 KiB) Viewed 9899 times

Obviously you'd need to add writing to these. I liked the result it gave for "Tasmanian university bushwalker, line art". Someone could definitely turn this into a logo:

tubla.jpg (136.04 KiB) Viewed 9899 times

It returned this quite striking image for the text "Tasmanian University bushwalkers with large backpacks, line art":

tubwlbla.jpg (85.07 KiB) Viewed 9899 times

Finally, here's a very stylish response to the text "Tasmanian bushwalkers camping, line art":

tbcla.jpg (113.27 KiB) Viewed 9899 times

Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Mon 14 Nov, 2022 4:06 am
by ribuck
As for mottos, SUBW's "Press on regardless" is hard to beat. It has just the right combination of irreverence and harsh reality. Here are some thought starters:

"Almost There"
"Mud is Free"
"Rarely Lost"
"Dolor et Languor" (latin for "Pain and Tiredness")
"Ambulans et Castra" (latin for "Walking and Camping")

Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Mon 14 Nov, 2022 6:53 am
by ChrisJHC
There’s always the US Marine Corps’ “Embrace the Suck”!

Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Mon 14 Nov, 2022 7:39 am
by gayet
Tas Uni bushwalking club - I think "Mud is free" is appropriate to both Tasmanian bushwalking and Uni students as a motto. Can't help on the logo though.

Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Mon 14 Nov, 2022 7:44 am
by Moondog55
"The View is Worth It"

Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Mon 14 Nov, 2022 7:50 am
by WestcoastPete
I've always really liked the Rough Stuff Fellowship logo. They're a cycling club though. One of the founder's mottos was "I never go on a walk without taking my bicycle"


Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Mon 14 Nov, 2022 10:58 am
by CraigVIC
Off topic:- Rough stuff have an insta where they post old photos of their early exploits, incredible stuff

Re: Walking club emblems

PostPosted: Fri 18 Nov, 2022 4:39 pm
by phATty
Thanks everyone for your terrific suggestions. Food for thought for sure.