Nuts wrote:8% complete but i cant see where it was to be completed in one operation? Yr 1 - 1st round island baiting operation
Jul Yr 1 - 2nd round island baiting operation and assessment of areas of high rabbit density
Jul – Aug Yr 1 - Follow up aerial operations targeting remaining areas of high rabbit density Aug Yr 1 - Dog and hunting teams deployed, start of rabbit mop up operations
Years 2 - 5 - Ongoing rabbit mopping up and monitoring using rabbit detection dogs and field staff
Years 3 or 4 - Use rodent detection dogs to identify rodent status on island after rabbits reduced to undetectable levels
Years 4 - 5 - Monitoring continues for two years after last rabbit eliminated
April - end year 5 - Decommissioning, removal and transportation of portable field huts and other equipment from Macquarie Island to Hobart
The way I read it, the bold area represents the baiting phases. The intention was to lay the 300 tonnes of bait during those phases.
When you look at that, 24 tonnes has been laid and only 431 birds affected. 17 birds per tonne, from an area so heavily visited by birds. Puts a different perspective on it. But how to make it better?
seems a suggestion is made that it wasnt so much weather as politics that halted the program???...
Not sure where you got that from. It was clear in the
blog that the weather was the factor.
Why didnt 'they' Start with the rabbits and rodents (not cats...)???
Hindsight is a wonderful tool. I guess cats eating poisoned rabbits / rodents would have helped with that problem too.