One of the coolest apps I've eve seen

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One of the coolest apps I've eve seen

Postby Son of a Beach » Sat 18 Dec, 2010 3:07 pm

This is a brilliant app. Quite amazing what it does and very useful for people traveling to places with different languages:
Son of a Beach
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Re: One of the coolest apps I've eve seen

Postby tas-man » Wed 06 Jul, 2011 4:14 pm

Yes Nik, I agree - and I was willing to support their idea and invest in the App, as it may save me learning Spanish when our proposed trip to do the Camino de Santiago comes to fruition. Here's some illustrations of how it currently works. It only does literal word for word translations at present, but good enough to read signage and save flicking through dictionaries. Amazing potential in this idea!

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Re: One of the coolest apps I've eve seen

Postby Nick S » Wed 06 Jul, 2011 6:34 pm

Next step: Real time voice translation, then we can all forget about learning other languages!
Na id use it. Be lots of engrish I imagine..
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