Is Tasmania in Australia?

Has anyone ever had this problem where people seem ignorant to the fact Tassie is part of Australia? I had one recently while watching a Youtube video.It was a video about the Platypus and was being narrated by a U.S chap.There was this glorious line that I quoted and added a little comment:
The quote was - "The fresh water Platypus lives in only 2 places on the entire planet. Eastern Australia and here, Tasmania." To this replied - "I live in Tasmania, last time I checked we were still a part of Australia."
Someone replied to my comment with this - "but Tasmania is a separate region from "Eastern Australia" though it is an eastern part of australia" This person was from Chicago may I add.
So, I replied with this - "Mate, I live in Tassie, I think I know what I'm on about. We are part of Eastern Australia. Yes we are a separate state or region, but so is Victoria, A.C.T, New South Wales and Queensland, but they're all on the East coast too.
I think I would be a better judge of this rather than someone who lives in the United States."
They are yet to reply to this...
Has anyone else had any stories like this?

Has anyone ever had this problem where people seem ignorant to the fact Tassie is part of Australia? I had one recently while watching a Youtube video.It was a video about the Platypus and was being narrated by a U.S chap.There was this glorious line that I quoted and added a little comment:
The quote was - "The fresh water Platypus lives in only 2 places on the entire planet. Eastern Australia and here, Tasmania." To this replied - "I live in Tasmania, last time I checked we were still a part of Australia."
Someone replied to my comment with this - "but Tasmania is a separate region from "Eastern Australia" though it is an eastern part of australia" This person was from Chicago may I add.
So, I replied with this - "Mate, I live in Tassie, I think I know what I'm on about. We are part of Eastern Australia. Yes we are a separate state or region, but so is Victoria, A.C.T, New South Wales and Queensland, but they're all on the East coast too.
I think I would be a better judge of this rather than someone who lives in the United States."
They are yet to reply to this...
Has anyone else had any stories like this?