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Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2011 7:41 pm
by bushwalker zane
GAH! :evil:

Has anyone ever had this problem where people seem ignorant to the fact Tassie is part of Australia? I had one recently while watching a Youtube video.It was a video about the Platypus and was being narrated by a U.S chap.There was this glorious line that I quoted and added a little comment:

The quote was - "The fresh water Platypus lives in only 2 places on the entire planet. Eastern Australia and here, Tasmania." To this replied - "I live in Tasmania, last time I checked we were still a part of Australia."

Someone replied to my comment with this - "but Tasmania is a separate region from "Eastern Australia" though it is an eastern part of australia" This person was from Chicago may I add.

So, I replied with this - "Mate, I live in Tassie, I think I know what I'm on about. We are part of Eastern Australia. Yes we are a separate state or region, but so is Victoria, A.C.T, New South Wales and Queensland, but they're all on the East coast too.

I think I would be a better judge of this rather than someone who lives in the United States."

They are yet to reply to this...
Has anyone else had any stories like this?


Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2011 7:51 pm
by doogs
Completely different country, people from the island of Australia aparently only travel in helicopters ;)

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2011 7:56 pm
by north-north-west
Is the commentator implying that there's a saltwater platypus? Wonder if it's a s big and ferocious as a saltwater croc?

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2011 8:00 pm
by bushwalker zane
north-north-west wrote:Is the commentator implying that there's a saltwater platypus? Wonder if it's a s big and ferocious as a saltwater croc?

That's what I thought! Hmmm... Never heard of the Saltwater Platypus before. *Strokes beard*

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2011 8:01 pm
by gayet
The poor dears. You have to make allowances for some - they have no idea just how big Aus is. Perhaps they imagine Platypi ( :?: ) can take a little day walk and travel from VIC to QLD to catch up with a mate, and stop off in Hawkesbury somewhere for a nice cuppa on the way home. The Tasmanian platypi are unable to make such visits as there is a bit of salt water in the way. This geographical impediment requires the distinction between "places" .

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Fri 27 May, 2011 10:35 am
by weetbix456
lisa mitchell asked the crowd at her gig at the republic one night...

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Fri 27 May, 2011 4:57 pm
by bushwalker zane
Probably in retaliation for getting dollar coins thrown at her :P

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sat 18 Jun, 2011 3:37 pm
by Joel
I wouldn't get too upset about it mate. I've been asked that before by Australians who have already flown here!
I kind of like the idea. I think we have more in common with New Zealand and New Zealanders than Victorians anyway.

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sat 18 Jun, 2011 5:18 pm
by bushwalker zane
Joel wrote:I wouldn't get too upset about it mate. I've been asked that before by Australians who have already flown here!
I kind of like the idea. I think we have more in common with New Zealand and New Zealanders than Victorians anyway.

Yeah, it's true. I don't mind so much because it makes Tasmania seem more of an elusive, wild place having it's own reputation. It does just seem a lot of people don't know it is in the big Australia. Oh well :)

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Fri 01 Jul, 2011 2:45 pm
by Franco
In many parts of the world people have problems understanding the size of Australia, so now I post this map, stolen from the net...

(note that Tasmania IS included in the map)


Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Fri 01 Jul, 2011 10:00 pm
by Chris
Franco wrote:(note that Tasmania IS included in the map)

That makes us happy, but maybe the Scandinavians wouldn't be impressed, not to mention the Russians and a few others :)

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Fri 01 Jul, 2011 10:51 pm
by bushwalker zane
Ah yes, I have seen this before.

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sat 02 Jul, 2011 10:13 am
by tasadam
That map would put a new perspective on the wine regions of France and Germany...
Quick calculation tells me that there is only one winery in the whole of Australia in the areas taken up by France and Germany on that map...
That would be at Alice Springs. They harvest on New Years Day.

Disclaimer - "quick calculation" is taken from my head, there may be others.

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sat 02 Jul, 2011 2:55 pm
by bushwalker zane
What a fun piece of information you gave us there tasadam!

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sun 03 Jul, 2011 9:23 am
by north-north-west
I'm pretty sure Greece covers some of Victoria's central and sub-alpine vineyards. And what about the Hunter?

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sun 03 Jul, 2011 9:44 am
by tasadam
north-north-west wrote:I'm pretty sure Greece covers some of Victoria's central and sub-alpine vineyards. And what about the Hunter?

Yes it looks like Greece and indeed Italy might still have some good wines (I think Italy just misses the best of South Australia, but hey, close enough) Does look like the wine regions of Mildura could be somewhere near Presicce...
Looks like the Hunter is in the purple area, which would be Turkey.

I think I'm putting too much time into this.

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sun 03 Jul, 2011 8:07 pm
by climberman
I reckon the answer to the OP's Q is "Only when it wants to be !"

Re: Is Tasmania in Australia?

PostPosted: Sun 03 Jul, 2011 8:27 pm
by bushwalker zane
climberman wrote:I reckon the answer to the OP's Q is "Only when it wants to be !"

I like this option.