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New Frog App

PostPosted: Tue 05 Jul, 2011 2:59 pm
by whynotwalk
G'day all - I've had a bit to do with getting a new app together for Tas. Parks & Wildlife. It's called "Frog Log", and it features all 11 of Tasmania's frogs. You get their calls, some fabulous photos, a map of their distribution, and details of their habitats, breeding etc.

A great new feature is the opportunity to "log" your sighting (or hearing) direct from your GPS-enabled device (ie iPhone or iPad). This will potentially help increase data on the distribution and population densities of frogs. Given the threats they face, this could be a valuable example of "citizen science".

You can get the app free - for a short time - from the iTunes store. After its fully tested and any bugs are ironed out, it will cost $1-19.



PS - sorry all you Android, Blackberry and other users. The answer is either "No" or "Not yet", so please don't grizzle to me! :roll:

Re: New Frog App

PostPosted: Tue 05 Jul, 2011 3:30 pm
by sthughes
Sounds good, I'll have to jump on the App store when I get home! Shame it isn't on Android though :P

I can't wait to see the sudden miraculous increase in endangered frog sightings in the area of the proposed Pulp Mill, Brighton Bypass, Florentine Valley, and any other major project where greenies take thier iPhones! :lol: