Bad back!

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Bad back!

Postby Size 11 » Thu 04 Aug, 2011 8:03 pm

There is no doubt! (I am getting old)
But lately, I have been getting a really sore back from just low impact walking and seemless activities.
Even just strolling and standing (like I did at Sydney boat show, last weekend ) was painfull the next day.
I have been to a Chiro, but it is only temporary relief.
Interested too hear how others deal with it.

Cheers Jez
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Bad back!

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Thu 04 Aug, 2011 9:06 pm

yoga, stretching and strengthening exercises, helped me eliminate a lot of the back pain and a comfy bed, also made a huge difference. With my old bed, I used to wake up every morning with a sore back
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Re: Bad back!

Postby gayet » Fri 05 Aug, 2011 8:20 am

From decades of a "bad back", I can't offer a cure but..... a chiro or suchlike can help, but in my experience not cure. I see a chiro regularly and have done so for years. As phil noted, a good bed is the best start. Not just comfy but very supportive, non saggy. I avoid standing, in queues at the checkout , waiting for lights or buses etc; don't just stand there, keep moving. I find a determined walk pace is better than strolling as it moves muscles more, or so it seems and this keeps bits where they should be. Try to avoid carrying weight on your shoulders - that takes pressure off the lower spine.

Unfortunately, there isn't a simple answer but trial and error will hopefully get you to a point where you can manage it, as well as finding other ways to do the same things without the pain.
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Bad back!

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Fri 05 Aug, 2011 8:50 am

Upgrading from my Oneplanet McMillan in the past few weeks to a Aarn Bodypack has eliminated most if not all pressure, back pain and shoulder pains, I'm a lot more relaxed than normal after a 3 hour hike with 16.5kg on my back.

With My Oneplanet pack, Would arrive to camp and had to lay down for half hour

So if you have a problem back, and want to go hiking, seriously look into a Aarn Bodypack. They really are that great.

I almost forgot to add. From what I have read of late, a lot of back sufferers have found huge relieve in sleeping in a hammock. Not those string hammocks you see around, but the ones designed for hammock camping whereby you lay on them at a bit of an angle. Some are sleeping full time in there hammocks.
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Re: Bad back!

Postby sailfish » Fri 05 Aug, 2011 3:54 pm

I had back pain for a good while, even had it really lock up a couple of times. Eventually I got specific back stretching exercises from the doc and later developed a stretching and strengthening routine. This has really helped a very great deal and would probably do so more if I was more dedicated to the routine. I guess it depends on what the actual problem is, all I can say is it works for me.

Chiros do as much harm as good I hear. I'd be avoiding them.

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Bad back!

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Fri 05 Aug, 2011 5:31 pm

I think what happens with time, is our backs if not exercised the muscles become weak and are not able to support the Spine correctly which than causes pressure on the nerves. Strong stomach muscles also go a long way to support your spine. This is what happened to me. I also have scoliosis in my back, since starting hiking again, my back is much stronger and very rare ever feel any pain. Apart from that Oneplanet pack. Thank god for Aarn packs. Or should I thank Aarn.

In saying this, Just count yourself lucky we can all still feel your back. Good friend of mine came of his motor bike and broke his back. His now paralyzed and has to spend the rest of his life in a wheel chair.
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Bad back!

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Fri 05 Aug, 2011 5:54 pm

sailfish wrote:
Chiros do as much harm as good I hear. I'd be avoiding them.


went to a chiro once, and had the worst pain ever after and during that visit, made my back worse. The pain was unbearable. I was in agony for a whole week. When I told him, he didn't believe me. He told me what he done could not possibly cause so much pain. He had me in some weird holds and was cracking all the bones down my spine. I will never forget that pain, and never again will I go anywhere near a chiro. Physio was not much help as well. What helped me get over my back pains was massage.
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Re: Bad back!

Postby corvus » Fri 05 Aug, 2011 7:27 pm

Size 11 wrote:There is no doubt! (I am getting old)
But lately, I have been getting a really sore back from just low impact walking and seemless activities.
Even just strolling and standing (like I did at Sydney boat show, last weekend ) was painfull the next day.
I have been to a Chiro, but it is only temporary relief.
Interested too hear how others deal with it.

Cheers Jez

G'day Jez,
Please have your back complaint fully checked out and do not rely on any Chiro , X ray and blood tests will be the only really accurate diagnosis IMHO from a 30+ year back pain sufferer .
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Re: Bad back!

Postby Size 11 » Sat 06 Aug, 2011 1:06 am

Firstly, I should say that i posted this thread before seeing that there was already a bad back thread. Sorry Guys :oops:
Secondly, I should have mentioned that I have been subjected too hard physical, manual labour during my early years of employ in the mid 80's :(
And the last time i had medical advice on this subject was throught my local GP, who recomended a scan which diagnosed arthritis. (that the Chiro I had seen prior too going too a GP, told me I had)
The Chiro I am seeing at the moment is also a qualified bone setter as well. :?:
It's a good result, but at what expense?
In the past, Chiropractic has been the only method of pain relief, and works just good enough too keep me going back too work. :|
Has anyone had good results from Osteopaths?
Or is it just down hill from here?
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Bad back!

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Sat 06 Aug, 2011 7:14 am

Same situation for me, my back problems stem from hard manual labor in my younger years. I've had x-rays done and that's when my scoliosis was picked up as well as some minor arthritis. Made it worse by working at a brick factory in my 30's, I suffered the same as you for many years afterwards. Standing in one spot causes pain in back. had to keep moving to minimize the pain.

Went to a specialist and he told me best thing I can do now is to make sure my back muscles are strong to support the spine, he mentioned walk a lot.

I now don't suffer the back pain I used to. I do have to be careful I don't pick up anything heavy without keeping a straight back, otherwise I'll have a sore back for 3 days.

What I did find very beneficial at the time, more so than walking was bicycle riding. I took up bike riding seriously for a number of years, racing on the road circuit and rode apx 300 to 500km per week. It must have been the way I was riding because all the pressure was taken of my back. It was almost like my back was being massaged as I rode. Very important you do get setup correctly on the bike if you do take this option for exercise. You don't have to ride 500km per week. At least 3 to 4 days per week one hour each day should be sufficient. But I'm no expert so doctors opinion should be checked on. It all worked for me.
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Re: Bad back!

Postby gayet » Sat 06 Aug, 2011 9:22 am

Size 11 wrote:In the past, Chiropractic has been the only method of pain relief, and works just good enough too keep me going back too work. :|
Has anyone had good results from Osteopaths?
Or is it just down hill from here?


I have used osteopaths with some success - similar to chiro's and in my limited experience gentler than the contortionist type chiro and made more use of massage. I do not use contortionist chiro's. The osteo treated neck and hip issues rather than just lower back.
Back pain etc can be managed and minimised, if not cured. Each person will find something that improves the situation for them. Strengthening core muscles is a start, realigning vertebrae (if they are out of whack) can give immediate relief (after the initial discomfit of moving them back and it should be gentle) but it is a quick fix and requires other methods like exercise and strengthening to prolong that quick fix. Keeping everything in place and moving freely by maintaining a regular program all helps.
30+ yrs ago I was almost crippled with pain, not nice at 16. I have sought advice and treatment from orthopaedic specialsists, physio's and chiro's etc.It took a few years and there were setbacks at times but I am able to control it so my back is the least of my problems now. I know what I can do and what I cannot. And that was the most difficult part of the "cure".
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