Page 1 of 1 Steam clan

PostPosted: Tue 27 Sep, 2011 11:44 pm
by mattmacman
Hey guys as you are most likely unaware as well as a gear freak i am a hard core gamer =D Recently i was playing a bit of Battle Field Bad Company 2 and all of a sudden someone called ARCHING TALONS comments HEY MATT, HEY MATTMACMAN, at the time i was quite confused as i had no idea who it was, then ARCHING TALONS said something that DID ring a bell, WANNA BUY A HUBBA?, then it clicked.... IT WAS BIRDIE CLAWS! Now the purpose of this post was for two things, A) to see if there was any other gamers out there, and B) to seek permission to make a Steam group/ clan to network on whilst gaming between walks!

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Wed 28 Sep, 2011 12:43 am
by Nick S
Haha I reckon you cam go right ahead with creating a clan. I wonder how many outdoor ppl have a gaming dark side. Certainly not mutually exclusive, plus it makes for interesting discussion about what sort of ogres would live near pelion hut..
Me? Im looking forward to playing skyrim and have played my share of SC2 but otherwise don't use steam, unless you count portal 2 :)

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Wed 28 Sep, 2011 12:52 pm
by sthughes
Battlefield 3 Beta comes out tomorrow :D :D :D

No I'm not really a gamer, but am a retired Battlefield 2 tragic & for a short time BBC2 player, but never could get into that so much and my old core 2 duo struggled badly to run it. Of late it's been more the very occasional go at Dirt 2 and Motorstorm Apocalypse on PS3 - just can't get my thumbs around FPS games on the PS3. I have been drooling over some new hardware of late with thoughts of a PC comeback when BF3 hits the shelves - we'll see.

I can't see an issue with a steam group - could be interesting.

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Wed 28 Sep, 2011 2:58 pm
by Son of a Beach
When I was into computer games it was on a Commodore 64. Amazing games such as "Uridium" (Andrew Braybrook was a legendary games programmer) and "Elite".

So I don't entirely understand what you guys are talking about. But yeah, it sounds like a good idea, so go for it. :-)

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Wed 28 Sep, 2011 5:59 pm
by mattmacman
Cheers Son of a Beach will get onto it! As for the commodore 64... thats VINTAGE!

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Thu 29 Sep, 2011 3:25 pm
by sthughes
Son of a Beach wrote:When I was into computer games it was on a Commodore 64.

I thought I was sounding like an old man by bringing up Battlefield 2! Thanks Nic - I feel young again :lol:

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Fri 30 Sep, 2011 11:16 am
by WarrenH
Gaming has been a great hobby. I only play games with huge landscapes and editing programmes, so I can practice navigation. Games like Full Burn where the landscape was all of Scandinavia and Russia. I walked for days in these landscapes in real time. In Full Burn, I'd fly somewhere, eject, get maps off Google and walk back. I still play Operation Flashpoint and navigate at night while avoiding being killed by Russians. There was a game called Ascent of Everest I couldn't get the hang of, in many failed attempts to summit my bot passed out or fell into a deep crevasse.

On Microsoft FSX the Bicentennial National Trail can be followed from Cooktown to Healesville. I did a reccy of the trail in an ultralight, once. The accuracy of programmes like FSX with the custom Australian addons is extraordinary.

If anyone produced a bushwalking simulation called Traversing the Deua, Woila and Bogong Wilderness Regions North-South, I'd pre order it, no worries ... and how about a simulation called, Discovering the First Route Across the Blue Mountains.


Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Mon 03 Oct, 2011 2:21 pm
by Chief
Yeah sounds good guys, i'm a steam user as well.
Let us know when you create a group, i'll join it..

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Mon 03 Oct, 2011 6:48 pm
by Tofu_Imprint
WarrenH wrote:Gaming has been a great hobby. I only play games with huge landscapes and editing programmes, so I can practice navigation. Games like Full Burn where the landscape was all of Scandinavia and Russia. I walked for days in these landscapes in real time. In Full Burn, I'd fly somewhere, eject, get maps off Google and walk back. I still play Operation Flashpoint and navigate at night while avoiding being killed by Russians. There was a game called Ascent of Everest I couldn't get the hang of, in many failed attempts to summit my bot passed out or fell into a deep crevasse.

On Microsoft FSX the Bicentennial National Trail can be followed from Cooktown to Healesville. I did a reccy of the trail in an ultralight, once. The accuracy of programmes like FSX with the custom Australian addons is extraordinary.

If anyone produced a bushwalking simulation called Traversing the Deua, Woila and Bogong Wilderness Regions North-South, I'd pre order it, no worries ... and how about a simulation called, Discovering the First Route Across the Blue Mountains.


Can you give me some more info on this 'Full Burn' game? Sounds interesting, but I can only find some jetfighter one (doesn't fit your description).

Did not realise FSX was that detailed, not into flight sims myself but one of my friends (pilot) is, might have to check it out one day.

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 12:18 pm
by Birdie Claws
Its Aching, not arching:P

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Tue 04 Oct, 2011 12:28 pm
by mattmacman
Typo =D

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Thu 22 Dec, 2011 1:41 pm
by bushwalker zane
Woo! I'm a big time gamer, Skyrim, BFBC2 and Black Ops are my main games. I'll gladly join said steam group! :lol:

Re: Steam clan

PostPosted: Thu 22 Dec, 2011 5:40 pm
by forest
Modern Warfare 2 and 3 addict here !!

Count me in the clan !!