Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 6:33 pm
by LandSailor
Wasnt sure whether this should have gone in the bush tucker forum
We may not have the Tassie Tiger back but the
tree lobster is back from the brink.
Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 6:41 pm
by stepbystep
Climbing Balls Pyramid is on my bucket list, hope I don't squish one of these guys when I get there...
Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 8:00 pm
by puredingo
Wait, either live with filthy, introduced vermin or live with saved from extinction, prehistoric native insects....What's the question here, am i missing something?
Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Fri 02 Mar, 2012 8:14 pm
by LandSailor
puredingo contest. But actually dont want to be insensitive to the ecological treasure that is the tree lobster but have
found a site with some great recipes. 
Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Sat 03 Mar, 2012 6:08 pm
by FatCanyoner
Amazing story of survival. It blows you away to realise how desperately a species will cling to life. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the can one day return to Lord Howe!
Re: Tree lobsters - back from extinction

Thu 10 May, 2012 6:28 pm
by Mountain Rocket
I swear I read a book based on (finding) these things. Bright Air, that was the name of it!
Good old Australian crime fiction. I would recommend it