A whole new area of human endeavour --> TRACK RAGE. ...but it sort of defeats the whole purpose of being out there. I mean, I go walking to get away from that crap.Ent wrote:Seen road rage with cyclists and car users but never between cyclists.
WarrenH wrote:My post immediately above won't make sense. I expected that the full video clip was being referred to in the first post.
This is (one of the versions of) the full clip ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPLYStAuZt0
geoskid wrote:nothing but the best of several brands will do :)
WarrenH wrote:Think of this. If the guy in front, was riding as slow as a wet week, how did the dude get back in front? By being a superior rider through one of the passing lanes? Hardly.
Nuts wrote:I'd feel the same. Just don't get the guy behind either though.. couldn't stop for a bit? was he late for something?
wayno wrote:http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10799497
Arrest in Port Hills 'bike rage' case
wayno wrote:dunno about that, they might have a semi permanent mark on the reputation like Adidas......
geoskid wrote:nothing but the best of several brands will do :)
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