Discussion about this site, including these forums (eg, suggestions, comments, queries). Topics may be manually deleted occasionally (eg, after suggestions dealt with, or changes bedded in).
Tue 15 Oct, 2019 6:54 pm
P.S. Nevermind I found the option down the bottom. I would suggest a bigger button would be good if there is any chance of changing this in a future update.
I’m sure it is quite simple and I’m missing something but how do I subscribe to a thread without posting a reply?
I am looking everywhere but can’t see the option. I tried a forum search but nothing of relevance showed up.
Sat 26 Oct, 2019 10:02 am
I'm sure it's very obvious, but I've missed what's s'posed to happen next.
If I've ever had notifications re the topics and threads I've subscribed to, I've missed them. Where do they go?? Thanks.
Sat 26 Oct, 2019 10:34 am
If you subscribe to a thread you should receive email notifications. Check which email address you used to sign up to the forum.
It will only send email notifications for new replies in a thread since you last visited, so you won’t get inundated with numerous emails.
You can manage subscriptions by clicking on “user control panel” (top left just below board index).
Then in “overview” click on “manage subscriptions” and it will show you a list of subscribed threads. From here you can remove ones you no longer want to subscribe to.
To check or change the email address used for forum & notification go to user control panel > profile > edit account settings
You can also set it to send notifications upon replies by default by going to user control panel > Board Preferences > edit posting defaults > ...
Hope that helps.
Sat 26 Oct, 2019 12:17 pm
Thanks, BWS. Fixed, I think!
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