Pill Bottle Stone Stove

Bushwalking gear and paraphernalia. Electronic gadget topics (inc. GPS, PLB, chargers) belong in the 'Techno Babble' sub-forum.
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TIP: The online Bushwalk Inventory System can help bushwalkers with a variety of bushwalk planning tasks, including: Manage which items they take bushwalking so that they do not forget anything they might need, plan meals for their walks, and automatically compile food/fuel shopping lists (lists of consumables) required to make and cook the meals for each walk. It is particularly useful for planning for groups who share food or other items, but is also useful for individual walkers.

Pill Bottle Stone Stove

Postby Kickinghorse » Sun 10 Dec, 2023 10:05 am

Just came across these, has anyone had experience with these?

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Posts: 139
Joined: Sun 18 Nov, 2018 11:56 am
Region: South Australia
Gender: Male

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