I wouldn't rule out the Andromeda on that basis.
My Olympus needs to be anchored at 4 points to maintain its shape, and that's no problem on the platforms. For the Olympus, the anchor strain should be longitudinally opposed, which is ideal for platforms. I don't know the Andromeda, but just from looking at the pictures I've found, it seems that it's achoring is very similar to the Olympus so it should be OK for platforms (and that vestibule looks simply enormous!).
As far as I know, the only tents that maintain shape without being anchored, are those that have crossed poles (eg, domes, or tunnels with diagonal poles).
My old tent used to have to be achored at 14 points (well, 2 x 7 points for the inner and the fly, so 7 points shared), and not just pulled from the ends, but pulled in 7 different directions. That was a bit more challenging to set up on platforms, but still not too much of a problem.
The main issue was making sure there were enough ropes/tethers to attach to, and then secondly, that there was some way to hold the anchor points down (ie, place rocks on the ropes near the tent, or hook the ropes around the nails that are now in place on most of the tent platforms, between the planks).
Last edited by
Son of a Beach on Wed 24 Oct, 2007 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.