They’ve been taking their time opening orders, so they haven’t sold them yet. Latest I’ve heard is sometime this month (March). If you’ve hit request you should get an email. They will sell out pretty fast (1 week?) but no panic. Good of news is that production is ahead of schedule on these last 300 so they’ll have a May delivery instead of June.
Lamont wrote:You do know that they are about to drop another 300 don't you? Check the "discussion- latest reply" it was supposed to be a month ago but has not happened yet. They will go quite quick but if you get in early you will have one in May I think.
Ms_Mudd wrote:Nope, still couldn't get in on the action
Ms_Mudd wrote:Oh phew! I thought it had happened/was happening
Great, will be posied by my keyboard, ready to strike!
dandurston wrote:Either way there's no panic but you'd probably want to take action relatively soon when orders open if you want one.
Finally some news on this: The drop will re-open Friday. I don't know more details than that, but I suspect it will be limited to about 300 tents with a delivery date in late May.
The drops normally seem to always open early in the morning. I think it's 8 AM eastern, 6 AM mountain time, 5 AM pacific time. But I wouldn't panic about catching it right at the open. Massdrop did confirm to me that this is for about 300 tents, but I don't think that'll sell out on the first day. In the December drop there were 700 new requests and then 98 sold on the opening day. Now there are 1700 new requests, so I can see the opening day sales being closer to 150-200 but 300 seems like a long shot. After opening day it'll sell 20-30 on day 2 and then trickle steadily upwards at 10-15 per day. So I think there is a chance these sell out in 48 hours, but more likely will sell out in 3-7 days.
Mountain Rocket wrote:Thanks for the heads up dagsands, forgot I turned off emails from Massdrop (where I was expecting to get notified from). Only ~70 left in this run so definitely don't snooze...
Ms_Mudd wrote:checked in my first break of the day and BAM- they were all gone.
Rosscodj wrote:Just got an email that says they hope to begin shipping by the end of next week. Slightly ahead of schedule, which is always nice!
Also, I prefer to call it CDO... that way the letters are in the right order.
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