not cheep, but great for car camping - and no preservatives

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not cheep, but great for car camping - and no preservatives

Postby walk2wineries » Sun 29 Jul, 2012 1:23 am

Franck foods had a stand at the Adelaide Farmer's markets one year
NOt cheap, but very very long shelf life and unbeatable for days whe one wants to eat quickly but feel well cared for after a long walk. Or if one is reaching for the bottle of red and wants a FAST meal that won't disgrace the wine......
Incidentally I bought enough to get the free delivery - used xs as Christmas gifts to rellies who walked. AND they are preservative free.
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Re: not cheep, but great for car camping - and no preservat

Postby John Sheridan » Sun 29 Jul, 2012 6:37 am

They should put that stuff inthe army Ration packs :)

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Re: not cheep, but great for car camping - and no preservat

Postby Onestepmore » Thu 02 Aug, 2012 12:24 pm

These look like great yummy option for car camping - an alternative to me precooking a rich casserole etc. We always bring a nice bottle of red too :) Might have a little wander through the website.....
The Christamas hamper thing is a great idea as well
Thanks for sharing!
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