Dehydrated light weight deserts

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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby Mark F » Mon 21 Jan, 2019 5:59 pm

It may be a bit late for this year but Coles and Woolies usually have great little christmas puddings (1350 kJ and 110g of pudding, total weight 116g) which go well hot or cold with the single serve cups of banana custard (or make your own). I stock up each December.
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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby AdamMack » Sat 12 Dec, 2020 6:52 am

We really enjoy:

1.5 table spoons of rice flour
6 table spoons of ground almond
1.5 table spoons of sugar
2 table spoons of powered milk
10ml rose water
Pinch of dehydrated strawberries.

Add water and cook slowly on the stove. It doesn't take long and you will know when it is done as it thickens. The rose water makes it and the strawberries take it to the next level.

It is yum, gluten free, light and good for two.
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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby flingebunt » Mon 14 Dec, 2020 3:23 pm

For something very simple and delicious
1. Wheaten crackers, sweetened or unsweetened, doesn't matter
2. Nutella
3. Jam, blue berry is good

Make little jam and hazelnut chocolate tarts.
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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby Ms_Mudd » Mon 15 Feb, 2021 1:40 pm

Protein custard (Muscle Nation Brand) , 40g powder = 26g protein from memory. Just add water and mix with your fork/spork.
Heaps of different flavours and to jazz it up I sometimes add nuts or other toppers.
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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby Eremophila » Sun 21 Feb, 2021 6:44 pm

AdamMack wrote:We really enjoy:

1.5 table spoons of rice flour
6 table spoons of ground almond
1.5 table spoons of sugar
2 table spoons of powered milk
10ml rose water
Pinch of dehydrated strawberries.

Add water and cook slowly on the stove. It doesn't take long and you will know when it is done as it thickens. The rose water makes it and the strawberries take it to the next level.

It is yum, gluten free, light and good for two.

Made this tonight in the Jetboil. I only had flaxmeal so used that instead of almond, it changed the flavour a bit. But was still pretty tasty.

Just needs to be a campsite with sufficient water for the washing up!
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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby Anotherjonesy » Mon 22 Feb, 2021 8:24 pm

Poha+ custard powder +coconut milk powder+ sugar
Add water, let it soak for 15 . Easy custard rice cream
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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby Ms_Mudd » Fri 30 Apr, 2021 8:24 pm

MarkF, your post may be 2.5 years old, but just rereading it got me all a twitter.
I want pudding. Now.
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Re: Dehydrated light weight deserts

Postby hallysmally » Tue 07 Sep, 2021 9:57 pm

ofuros wrote:
Tortoise wrote:We used to set them in a creek - strategically held there by rocks etc.

ditto for wobbly jelly... :wink:

How about a vanilla bean powdered custard with your favourite biscuit crumbled over the top, digestives or ginger nuts to add some crunch, or fruit & nut chocolate shavings slowly melting in. :)

Once in a blue moon I might make a sticky date pudding, decadent & rich...and it will blow the dial off the sweet-o-meter. :lol:

P4220147 (Medium).JPG

P4220165 (Medium).JPG

thiiiiiiiiiis :D :D :D :D :D
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