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Billy-can pudding

Posted: Sun 11 Nov, 2012 12:00 pm
by Onestepmore
This looks like it might be fun to cook in a basecamp at Christmas time

Re: Billy-can pudding

Posted: Sun 11 Nov, 2012 4:54 pm
by Rob A
Great in theory ... then the beer wears off ...

Combine .... stand for 6 hours or until thickened.

.... cover and cook for 3 hours or"
Do I put 'op cit' here or something?

Re: Billy-can pudding

Posted: Mon 12 Nov, 2012 12:01 pm
by Onestepmore
Hehe, it's a Christmas pudding!
And I did say 'basecamp' cooking
You drink beer at lunchtime, add some to the pud. let it sit. Drink some more beer. Then over the fire you have a big pot of water and you simmer them on the side of the fire for 3 hours and have them for dessert (with some flamed rum of course)

Lol, I never said it was an ultimate lightweight hiker's 'dehydrated pud in 5 mins' :wink:

Edit- What on earth am I writing - now you've made me say to add beer to the recipe, instead of black tea!!
Maybe that'd be an interesting variation....

Re: Billy-can pudding

Posted: Mon 12 Nov, 2012 12:15 pm
by Rob A
Ill post a photo. Just, not being "CWA be prepared" Im hung up on the fruit and sultanas ... so theres a lead time :mrgreen:.

Re: Billy-can pudding

Posted: Mon 03 Dec, 2012 2:49 pm
by Rob A
Well its been a few weeks and I have to admit to having tried the recipie.
Im not hopeless in the kitchen and it turned out well ... as in how you would expect.
I was going to food photograph it cold, lights, oil whatever, but coundnt get my head around it.

It was disgusting, sat in the fridge for a week where it dried out a bit, and looked a little more palitable. No one actually eat any of it. I spat a small mouthfull out, and I dont throw out week old lettuce.
Maybe it was the aluminuim billy can reacts badly with the cinamon spices and tea. Traditionally no one would have had an aluminium billy can.
I would back off a bit on the cinamon and spice, pull the pin on "supposed to Australiana" and use a pudding bowl to steam the thing.
I cant see how these thing can be good without hanging for a while.

Now that Im not throwing up over the stink, and having done further research I might give it another go ... but Ill leave SBS to sensationalism in journalism or whtever it is they do best and try and find a recipie the girls at country womens wouldnt be ashamed of.