WMTS maps for Victoria can be viewed and areas selected and downloaded for off-line use by Oruxmaps gps hiking app for Android. The maps include 10m contours for some areas of Vic and 20m contours in other areas (I think).
In Oruxmaps, tap the map symbol at top right, Tap Switch Map > WMTS > + (in a circle). Tap the + beside WMTS (ONLINE).
Copy and paste (or type) the following URL:
Tap the https box. Tap ok. OM will open a box with Mapscape_Mercator in it. Tap it.
Select default028mm in Coordinate system if not already shown.
Check Cacheable and Downloadable are selected. Enter a map name Eg Vic WMTS. Tap test. A map of Vic should open.
Tap the tick at top right. A popup should say WMTS created ok. Tap the map and check it opens ok.
The zoom range is 6 to 18. Max zoom corresponds to a scale of 20m on the OM map screen.
WMTS or WMS maps are also available for NSW, Tas and Qld. See elsewhere in this forum.