I've had some frustrations with available published maps and GPS units in Western Australia and would be grateful for advice on a few issues:
1. I currently use a Garmin GPSMap 66i, but have found that Garmin Australian Topo V6 lacks a lot of detail in the field and some of the contouring is a bit sus.
2. I downloaded some maps from Geoscience Australia, but all these were hopelessly out of date (like 20 years)
3. I then looked at WA Landgate maps, but these only download in PDF format, which you can't directly load into my GPS or Garmin Basecamp.
As I travel to fairly remote areas, I'm pretty keen to get hold of nav data I can rely on. Also I often collect data in the field and geotag a lot of additional information onto Basecamp.
I did look at Hema and other commercial maps, but they are not really flexible enough when it comes to the type of data I want to collect and add.
Therefore I would be grateful if someone could advise me on the following questions:
1. Does anyone know of an application that will convert geo attributed pdf files into GPX format?
2. Are WA Landgate maps generally detailed and accurate recent surveys - or do they simply tend to rehash old map data with a few updates
3. Has anyone else had on the forum had issues with Garmin Australian Topo V6's lack of detail?
Any feedback would be welcome.