Has anyone worked out how to use the Qld Spatial tile server for maps in OSMand? I made a start, but I need some help from the digital mapping experts to get it working.
OSMand requires provision of information needed to access the WMS/WMTS server. The information has to be in a file named .metainfo which must be located in a sub-directory within the OSMand tiles directory. This can be a bit tricky in Android 14, as write access to the app data directory is blocked except to the app, but with adb enabled it can be done through a connected PC (when the phone is reconnected after each file copy). For me in a Samsung A15 running Android 14 this means going to Settings>About phone>Software information; then pressing Build Number 7 times to become "a developer" (Developer Options then appear under Settings, but do not need to be changed).
For example, for the NSW LPI data (provided as an option by default in OSMand+):
The .metainfo file is under:
Internal storage\Android\data\net.osmand.plus\files\tiles\LPI NSW Topo Map (AU) The .metainfo file contains:
From this, can anyone specify a [url_template] to access the QLD spatial data?
I made a sub-directory
Internal storage\Android\data\net.osmand.plus\files\tiles\Qtopo
and tried:
(this url worked in JOSM, but in OSMand it gave a bunch of 17kb tile files without map display), and I also tried:
(which gave a blue grid but no maps / no tile files).
I tried a few other variants on [url_template] etc. with no luck.
The response so far from Qld spatial has not been helpful ("use the Qtopo geoPDF files in Avenza").
Hopefully someone among the digital mapping experts in the forum can advise.