Hi Everyone!
As the owner of the
www.satsleeve.com.au site... I can answer a few of these questions and concerns...
Firstly, there is VERY SOON an iPhone 5 front. The back actually remains the same (the bit that contains the SIM card), but the front that fits the iPhone can be upgraded. The 5 version is actually globally due to be launched within the next week or so for stock ordering... and could be in Australia within the next few weeks.
Galaxy 4 users should also see a unit in a few months as well. So, there is hope for those guys soon too!
Considering the cost of a satellite phone that is stand alone, these are not badly priced. And, they are the only mobile satellite device that was built for the 21st century! Every other item is still stuck in a time warp!
Regarding the data and SMS... this first model can do SMS but not data (meaning it won't download apps and update your data etc)... but the new models coming out later this year (around Sept to Oct is the estimate... but it could be longer), you will be looking at full data capacity.
Prepaid is only good if you are OUTSIDE of Australia. In Australia, prepaid on these things is not allowed, and Thuraya have been told they must terminate any prepaid connections they have here if they discover them. Reason ... the Govt cannot listen into prepaid calls if necessary. It is a legal requirement here in Australia that all comms are able to be tapped if necessary ... not that they are ALL tapped, but there is what is called a Legal Intercept requirement that all mobile phone devices must comply with here. The Thuraya Prepaid does not comply.
Call plans available here are as low as $15 a month and 99c per minute. No term. $25 activation fee. That is the best in the market.
Globalstar and Thuraya are not linked in ANY Way. Totally different networks.
True regarding reception issues in SE corner. The truth is that the satellite we look at here sits on the equator this side of Malaysia. If you dip behind a mountain, and your SatSleeve/Thuraya phone cannot see the satellite, you won't have network until they do. This could mean hiking up to the top of a ridge, or some similar act to get network, but they are a predictable network. Because the satellites do not move, you know where they are, and can then work out what to do to get network. Other moving systems don't give 100% coverage either (despite the advertising they offer)... they will cut in and out more in mountainy areas... but they do reach more places (perhaps not for long though .... sometimes only enough to get an SMS out).
No network or system is perfect at this stage. Unfortunately.
Wish there was something that ticked every box for everyone... but at this stage it is just the items that tick most boxes for you that will work better than the others in many situations. The trick is to pick the right dealer with the right know how and knowledge... and get good advice.
This forum is a good start!
Great to see the discussion going!
Let me know if you have any questions. Will endeavour to check back in to read through soon!
Jackie Satphone