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Postby icefest » Sun 12 Apr, 2015 8:22 pm

Seeing as tasmaps has made all contours, creeks, and lakes free with a CC licence, I've decided to make my own garmin topo maps.

I'll post my progress in this thread as I go. My aim is to make several datasets, with tasmaps data as separate .img files per municipality. Hopefully this will harmonize with ent's trails .img.

I'm expecting the project to take a couple of months, but will be starting with the huon municipality.

My current plan is to use QGIS to merge the datasets and sort out the data I wish to keep, and then (assuming I work out how) convert the .shp file to .osm and make an .img using mkgmap.
Last edited by icefest on Sun 12 Apr, 2015 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ice_world

Postby GPSGuided » Sun 12 Apr, 2015 9:45 pm

Good one Icefest!
Just move it!
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Re: ice_world

Postby andrewp » Sun 12 Apr, 2015 10:10 pm

I have already combined the contours with OSM data and produced a garmin map for Tasmania, and also Victoria (they have released contour data under CC).
I used org2osm to convert the shp files to osm (changing tags along the way to match my mkgmap style).
I can upload them both to dropbox if anyone is interested.

I am going to tackle watercourses, but it is a much harder task. There is a lot of data that I would not want to use e.g. waterlines. Really the watercourses should be loaded to OSM, but I am not sure about the etiquette of doing something like this. Many of the rivers/creeks will already exist in OSM, but presumably not as accurately mapped.

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