by keithy » Sun 29 Nov, 2015 11:34 pm
What version of the firmware are you running? To check Go to Setup/About. The latest is 4.30 from July 2015.
Your saved GPX track logs shouldn't disappear then reappear. I recall having some bad GPX files that caused similar behaviour but if I recall correctly, it was back during older firmware (below 2.80).
The issue I had with some tracks I had checked the tracks had saved as a GPX file on the device. But the option to click Show on Map was not there.
Garmin had suggested back then that I master reset the device and update the firmware.
If you do a master reset, make sure you back your files up from the unit first. Your profiles are saved in the profile folder - copy this to a PC somewhere. Then your tracks are saved in the GPX folder (bear in mind that you may have one or more corrupted GPX files like I did). After a master reset, if you are not already on the latest firmware, do a firmware update on your unit.
I haven't seen had this issue occur since my issue back in I think 2013. However, I have been using my Oregon 600 more often than the eTrex 30.
It is a pity Garmin don't seem to think it is fit to have a forum for their hiking GPS devices. There used to be a good wiki on the etrex 20/30 with common issues and firmware issues that various users had, but the wiki was lost when wikispaces change their free subscription for non educational wikis and the eTrex wiki was considered non educational. The very good Oregon 6xx wiki has also gone recently due to the wiki subscription expiring, together with the wealth of information from users about common issues experienced.