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A really simple, free downloadable image resizing program ??

PostPosted: Tue 27 Nov, 2018 7:43 pm
by Tortoise
Not sure where to post this, but this seems vaguely relevant. Frustrated, techno-retard here, wanting to have one last go at being able to submit photos in the photo comp.

1. Mac turns a 5 mb file into a 10 mb file with very basic tweakage and exporting from whatever complicated thing iPhotos does. It about doubles the file size merely exporting it to be able to attach it to anything, so they are mainly 10-11mb. BWA has a 5mb file size limit.

2. I can use the very rough options of reducing quality and/or file size when I export. To get a 5 mb file size, I end up with the file rejected here because it isn't enough pixels wide.

3. I lost my image resizer when I 'upgraded' my computer ( I inherit them, which is why I have a Mac.)

4. I want to be able to play with images off-line. So 2 programs recommended to me won't do what I want.

5. I tried I managed to download it, and find the set up in my downloads. :) I couldn't use it, though, because I didn't have something-or-other that I don't have. Just went back to check what that was, and it's no longer in my downloads under anything.

Why does everything have to be so hard?? :cry: :x Is there a fail-proof super easy peasy program I can download?
I do have the option of getting help from my local library when I get back home, but I'm trying to strike while the proverbial iron is luke-warm.


Re: A really simple, free downloadable image resizing progra

PostPosted: Tue 27 Nov, 2018 8:13 pm
by ChrisJHC
The absolutely easiest way is to let Mac Mail do the work for you.

Here's a discussion that will tell you how:

Re: A really simple, free downloadable image resizing progra

PostPosted: Tue 27 Nov, 2018 9:06 pm
by Tortoise
Thanks for the link, Chris. Can't figure it yet, but i'll try again tomorrow. Sorry I'm so dense. Are you saying that if I want to post a photo to this website, for example, I need to start writing an email to a random person in Mac Mail, and attach the file to that?

I tried following what appeared to be an explanation of how to do it in Preview, in your link. It looked good, I could reduce the pixels until the file size was under 5 mb (3.8 to be precise). Pixels still around 4000, so it looked very promising. Saved it. But when i look at the file in finder, it tells me the file size is 9.8mb, not the 3.8mb the resizer promised me would result when I clicked OK to resize, which I did.

I tried again, dropping down to the minimum 2000 pixels required, and the resizer told me it would be about 1.3mb. In fact, it shows up when I save it as 4.1mb. Still, I'll try uploading that and seeing if BWA willl accept it. Zzzzzzzzz

Re: A really simple, free downloadable image resizing progra

PostPosted: Tue 27 Nov, 2018 9:57 pm
by photohiker
It's easier to use it via

Select the size of the image, (I have selected 800 x 600 here) then send the full image to postimages and it will be auto resized:

postimages.jpg (33.57 KiB) Viewed 12852 times

You can load the image back to your computer, or just select it to the forum, like this:

Can add [ img ] [ /img ] (remove all the spaces, I have added the spaces so you can see how it looks)

And it now looks correct, the original image was 4032x3024 and 5.3MB, the postimages changed image is 800x600 and 158kb:

Re: A really simple, free downloadable image resizing progra

PostPosted: Thu 29 Nov, 2018 1:43 am
by ribuck
You don't need any separate software. Export your photo from the Photos app, onto your desktop. Double-click on the icon to view it in Preview. Use the Tools menu to "Adjust Size", or select an area with the mouse and use the Tools menu to select "Crop". Close the Preview app and the changes are saved to the copy on your desktop.