Check for georeferencing errors in GDA2020 geopdfs

Maybe this should be in the NSW subforum, but the warning is general. It seems necessary to check the for the correct georeferencing of new geopdf issues before trusting them. Images below are in oruxmaps (with tracks overlaid).
For example, the GDA2020 geopdf Potsville 1:25K seems to be incorrectly georeferenced (about 100 m N of actual location). This error is not present in the GDA94 version of the same map (although it was slightly west of true location). The full reference to the map with this problem is: 9641-3S Pottsville 4th Edn CollarOn_2022.
I do not know if the error occurs in other maps. Spatial NSW will need to check (but they just say "Thank you for contacting DCS Spatial Services...We will pass this feedback on to our Experts...We consider the case resolved"). The Tyalgum map seems OK.
PS. The GDA2020 maps are generally much improved. For example, all contours are now shown in the Tyalgum map, where there were previously voids in steep areas (these voids are still in the SIX WMTS tiles). But the contours are now sometimes much harder to see - especially under similar colours such as the new Trees:dense colour (previously Closed forest in a much clearer colour), and under the widened National Park boundary lines.
For example, the GDA2020 geopdf Potsville 1:25K seems to be incorrectly georeferenced (about 100 m N of actual location). This error is not present in the GDA94 version of the same map (although it was slightly west of true location). The full reference to the map with this problem is: 9641-3S Pottsville 4th Edn CollarOn_2022.
I do not know if the error occurs in other maps. Spatial NSW will need to check (but they just say "Thank you for contacting DCS Spatial Services...We will pass this feedback on to our Experts...We consider the case resolved"). The Tyalgum map seems OK.
PS. The GDA2020 maps are generally much improved. For example, all contours are now shown in the Tyalgum map, where there were previously voids in steep areas (these voids are still in the SIX WMTS tiles). But the contours are now sometimes much harder to see - especially under similar colours such as the new Trees:dense colour (previously Closed forest in a much clearer colour), and under the widened National Park boundary lines.