Fri 16 Jul, 2010 1:51 am
Fri 16 Jul, 2010 7:38 am
Fri 16 Jul, 2010 8:31 am
Fri 16 Jul, 2010 9:09 am
Fri 16 Jul, 2010 9:25 am
Fri 16 Jul, 2010 7:31 pm
tasadam wrote:After trying a number of prints at Stallards and Harvey Norman and asking technical questions like colour profiles etc, I used Harvey Norman in Devonport for smaller prints because there was a lady there named Traci that knew how to set up the machine properly and get the colour right. Sad to say that Stallards didn't have a clue here in Devonport.
But Traci has left HN and things are definitely not the same, if I want my photos printed locally by them and get them consistent, I would need to edit my photos to match how they are printing it "today" (which could be different to tomorrow or yesterday).
So now I am struggling to find a local printer that can give me some consistency with the smaller stuff. When you're selling photos, you need to know that your prints are going to be the same as when you had them done last time and that's my problem with local printers.
For larger stuff, I only use professional printing companies on the mainland. I make sure that they use archival quality media and ink. My standard exhibition size is 300 x 450 mm, and I do all my own matting and mounting a picture frames myself. I do not do my own printing and have no desire to, because if I were to, the printer I would need would cost over $8K, which I cannot justify at this time. Though, at least it would mean I could take control of my own colour matching and get things right every time, and be in control of my own quality in every aspect of my work.
I do have a pile of photos that I have had printed that I cannot use because the quality of the printing is sub-par for the quality I want to represent in my work. So in the long term I might just have to fork out and buy a large format printer.
It's not like there isn't enough choice when it comes to online printing, the problems start when you want to find a good one.
Fri 16 Jul, 2010 10:06 pm
Fri 30 Jul, 2010 9:32 pm
Sat 31 Jul, 2010 12:07 am
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