Hiking pole come mono/tripod

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Hiking pole come mono/tripod

Postby drakkar » Sun 10 Jan, 2016 9:12 am


Trying to minimise the gear I take, (or has multiple uses) and this seemed like a good idea.

There is a few on the market from a quick google.
Has anyone had first hand experience with hiking poles that have a camera attachment to become a monopod or even better have clips to convert to a tripod?

I'm not particularly keen on the gorilla mini tripods.

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Re: Hiking pole come mono/tripod

Postby Nuts » Sun 10 Jan, 2016 5:07 pm

I take a Komperdell 'guide' pole when I get the chance for considered shots, nice and light.
Screw off the end and add a Gorilla SLR ball head. Holds fast and reliable, not too heavy, not overly expensive, can wander around or even walk with it attached. Far better than no tripod, not sure abt tripod legs but always seem to be able to stick it into the dirt & find a rest, pack, tree, rock etc. a velcro strap helps.
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