Travelling South North during the season

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Travelling South North during the season

Postby Mafeking09 » Mon 31 Dec, 2012 2:52 pm

Just back from another beautiful trip through the Park with our Girls starting on 15th and ending on the 20th. It's our "right of passage" walk with our 14 and 15yo daughters. It was truly sensational. The Rangers were terrific - bloke at Waterfall on 15th, Paul Challan was magnificent at Windemere and lovely young bloke at Pelion.

However, one issue came up though. Using the track south-North. Some walkers coming up to meet us copped a blast from a Ranger down near Narcissus about travelling South North and were threatened with a fine. The guys involved included a bloke who has previously led school groups through the Park for 20+ years, a former leader of the Hobart Walking Club and a retired Chief Inspector with the police - needless to say these guys are pillars of the walking community. They said the Ranger involved was rude and the info very confused. They were frankly pretty shocked and very angry by the time we saw them. We saw all the signage about not walking South North but we're worried that that will mean Ossa and Pelion East are off limits to Hobart walkers and we cannot do a planned trip next April to Junction Lake, the Never Never, Kia Ora (including a climb of Ossa and Pelion) and then out down Kia Ora creek. Hope that's not the case.

I'd like to see a system worked out to allow entry from the South.

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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Taurë-rana » Mon 21 Jan, 2013 11:10 pm

I saw something about this posted on the HWC FB site and all it did was confuse me, but now I've noticed that it is also here: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=10864 There seems to be the potential for a $1000 fine associated with it?
Does it mean that you can't do more than one night in the Reserve without getting fined, or is it just that you are not allowed to use two sections of the track consecutively. What about if you are a fast walker, does that mean you are allowed to go further than a slow walker?
What about two nights at Pelion Hut climbing different peaks?
And as you ask Mafeking09, does it mean that you can't do any of the track walking south to north?
Very confusing, or maybe I'm easily confused, but whatever, it seems very wrong. Especially for Tasmanians, as we are more likely to want to do lots of variations on the theme. It also means that if you can't do the full track because it's too expensive, you can't even do it in sections. And these days there would be a lot of people in that boat!
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby pazzar » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 6:48 am

Taurë-rana wrote:What about if you are a fast walker, does that mean you are allowed to go further than a slow walker?

So running South-North in a day is my only option!!

I've encountered no problems the few times walking up to Du Cane Gap, and I had a chat with the ranger at Pelion when I went up to the Thetis Saddle a couple of months. He was more interested than authoritative. All he asked is that we fill out the hut logbook. I think the topic linked above covers it pretty well though.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 7:11 am

A group I know did the Ducanes a while back, had a chat with the ranger before setting off, no issues. A day later I went over gould to meet them at the Labyrinth, same ranger at Narcissus, he was very friendly and polite. Upon our return he was still very pleasant and polite. No fuss about travelling north, even though the warning signs were erected then.

He did however ask where we were from.....

These folk mentioned in the first post, how far were they traveling?? It seems you are allowed to travel Nth as far as the next hut, no further... were they attempting to go too far nth for the rangers liking perhaps?
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 7:14 am

This is the msg that the walking clubs have received from PWS about the matter....

This policy provides rules designed to manage walker intentions during the booking
season (1st October – 31st May each year) in respect of use of the Overland Track.
These rules ensure that the quality of the Overland Track (OLT) experience is
maintained for all users. All walkers are required to respect and abide by these rules.
1. The OLT must be walked in a north-south direction from Cradle Mountain to Lake
St Clair. Exceptions to this rule are the sections of the track from Cradle to
Waterfall Valley, Cynthia Bay to Pine Valley turn-off, Pelion to Pelion Gap and
Pelion to West Pelion.
2. Bushwalkers intending to use part of the OLT and who do not pay the Overland
Track Fee must not walk more than one overnight segment. The exceptions are
entry onto the Overland Track from the Never Never, Traveller Range and Ducane
Range. If entry is made via these routes, walkers must complete their walk on the
OLT in a north-south direction.
For the most part, the above rules clarify what constitutes acceptable use. However,
in order to further clarify what is permissible regarding overnight bushwalks that
intersect with the OLT, the following examples of acceptable walks are provided:
• Cradle => Rodway (O/N) => Cradle (day walk to Barn Bluff / Waterfall Valley)
• Arm River => Pelion (O/N) => Arm River (day walks to Ossa, Pelion East, Pelion
West, Oakleigh)
• Lake St Clair => Pine Valley (O/N) => Lake St Clair (Lake Marion, Labyrinth,
• Cradle => Lake McCrae or Mt Inglis => Cradle
• Mersey Valley => Junction Lake => Never Never => Lees Paddocks => Lees
• Lake St Clair/Narcissus => Byron, Cuvier, Traveller Range, Olympus
Further information on the policy and advice is available by contacting the Ranger-in-
Charge for the Overland Track on 64921133 or email:
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby wayno » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 8:11 am

why dont they just put in the one way turnstiles they have at big stadiums and train stations?
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby stepbystep » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 8:37 am

Ankle bracelets and electrodes?
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby wayno » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 9:36 am

stepbystep wrote:Ankle bracelets and electrodes?

now you're talking... why didnt I think of that..
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 10:46 am

Forget Wellington or Roland, how about we push for a cable car running from Cradle to St Clair? With a few drop off spots along the way. Like Pelion and the Labyrinth. That'd make access so much easier and open up the reserve for everyone to see.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby MrWalker » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 11:53 am

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Forget Wellington or Roland, how about we push for a cable car running from Cradle to St Clair? With a few drop off spots along the way. Like Pelion and the Labyrinth. That'd make access so much easier and open up the reserve for everyone to see.

I'm not sure if you could run a cable car that far, but a monorail would be great. Ideally the monorail should not stop along the way, so the tourists don't mess the place up for the walkers.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby stepbystep » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 12:07 pm

MrWalker wrote:
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Forget Wellington or Roland, how about we push for a cable car running from Cradle to St Clair? With a few drop off spots along the way. Like Pelion and the Labyrinth. That'd make access so much easier and open up the reserve for everyone to see.

I'm not sure if you could run a cable car that far, but a monorail would be great. Ideally the monorail should not stop along the way, so the tourists don't mess the place up for the walkers.

No the cable car should run through the Pelion and DuCane peaks obviously with little chairlifts down to the bushwalker 'nodes'. Or giant slides...and a water fun park at Lake Elysia.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 3:01 pm

stepbystep wrote: Or giant slides...and a water fun park at Lake Elysia.

As long as it doesn't touch the ground around there, too many gotdang ants!
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby north-north-west » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 6:44 pm

So technically, my going from Narcissus up to DuCane Gap was illegal. If they lock me up will someone send me a cake with a file in it?
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby corvus » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 7:53 pm

I do not want to break the law or even be seen to do so however what legal authority do the track Rangers have to even obtain my real name and issue the possible $1000.00 fine ??
If I want to do a short but possibly south to north walk that would entail a minimum of two nights ? say never never to Kiaora hut and then Ossa back down to Kiaora before heading down to Lees which would entail two nights on the OLT IMHO is this included in the permitted walks for locals an others ??
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby tastrax » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 8:24 pm

corvus wrote:I do not want to break the law or even be seen to do so however what legal authority do the track Rangers have to even obtain my real name and issue the possible $1000.00 fine ?

Legal stuff is not my field (I prefer education to enforcement) but it would firstly depend if the "track Ranger" was an authorised officer. Some are likely to be authorised in which case they do have the legal authority to ask for name and address if they believe they have found you offending.

National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002 (No. 62 of 2002) - ... rec=;term=

As for the $1,000 fine - not sure on that one as I am not sure of the offence that you may have committed (failing to give name, disobeying a regulatory sign, non payment of fees, restricting an authorised officer, refusing to leave the land etc - they probably all have different fines). It gets complicated fairly quickly so that is why many staff prefer the education role over enforcement but their are some staff with a particular interest in enforcement and they pop up at the strangest of places.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby corvus » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 8:46 pm

G'day Phil,
Thanks for that info however if I elect not to provide a real name and address what comeback does "parks" have ??
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby tastrax » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 9:43 pm

corvus wrote:G'day Phil,
Thanks for that info however if I elect not to provide a real name and address what comeback does "parks" have ??

Well then it depends who you were speaking to - one of the enforcement guys (some ex police) would probably take it further (on the spot) but other staff would likely just pass on the details (via radio or satphone) and you probably would get a visit from someone else - maybe at the next hut or when you depart the park or when you get back home ...depends what they can ascertain.

66. Powers of arrest - ... 122220000;

Again, its not my area of expertise
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Mafeking09 » Wed 30 Jan, 2013 8:44 pm

Good discussion. Pretty confusing. It seems that our intended trip thou the Never Never to Kia Ora with a day trip up Ossa and Pelion is illegal. We're doing it anyway.

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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Nuts » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 12:57 pm

Mafeking09 wrote:Good discussion. Pretty confusing. It seems that our intended trip thou the Never Never to Kia Ora with a day trip up Ossa and Pelion is illegal. We're doing it anyway.

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I picture satellites being turned your way :)
I believe the guys are all now 'authorised'. It's a shame that the regulations couldn't have been worked around (some of) these traditional routes within the park.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby norts » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 1:34 pm

Is the Hydro Hut out of bounds in the booking season? They way I read the rules it is, any thoughts?

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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 1:45 pm

Nuts wrote:
Mafeking09 wrote:Good discussion. Pretty confusing. It seems that our intended trip thou the Never Never to Kia Ora with a day trip up Ossa and Pelion is illegal. We're doing it anyway.

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I picture satellites being turned your way :)
I believe the guys are all now 'authorised'. It's a shame that the regulations couldn't have been worked around (some of) these traditional routes within the park.

So the rules have changed? AGAIN.... man alive this is *&%$#!!
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ollster » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 1:50 pm

Nuts wrote:I picture satellites being turned your way :)
I believe the guys are all now 'authorised'. It's a shame that the regulations couldn't have been worked around (some of) these traditional routes within the park.

Authorised to what? It's not like they can drag you away in chains.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 2:02 pm

They been deputized? Good to see were heading back into the good old days of far south america.....

I'd tell them to take a seat in the back with all the other *&^%$#@! waiting for me to give a *&%$#!.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby frenchy_84 » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 2:03 pm

such a tough guy
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 2:07 pm

frenchy_84 wrote:such a tough guy

cheers mate! :)
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby ollster » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 2:30 pm

frenchy_84 wrote:such a tough guy

He's not so tough when Hawthorn lose GFs...
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Nuts » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 2:31 pm

ILUVSWTAS wrote:So the rules have changed? AGAIN.... man alive this is *&%$#!!

Nah, not really for that one: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=10864

Some other scenarios are a bit confusing, it doesn't seem norts trip to hydro hut would be exactly kosher either (for the north travel bit.. if on the track.. back to wfv..)

Chains, Whips, Nipple Cripples? :) I'm sure they aren't expected to operate outside the 'spirit' of the regs (discretion) but guess even that depends on how popular We all make these side walks and alternative routes.
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby frenchy_84 » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 2:40 pm

Nuts wrote: but guess even that depends on how popular We all make these side walks and alternative routes. group trip to Mt Proteus return via Cradle?
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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby Nuts » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 3:06 pm

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Re: Travelling South North during the season

Postby tassie walker » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 7:14 pm

[quote="Mafeking09"]Good discussion. Pretty confusing. It seems that our intended trip thou the Never Never to Kia Ora with a day trip up Ossa and Pelion is illegal. We're doing it anyway.

We did this trip in Dec. We came down the Never Never, spent the night at Kia Ora and next morning saw a sign saying we couldn't go any further north. As we had planned our trip according to information we found on the Parks website (and notified family and planned transport etc accordingly) we continued on our way. There is nothing on their website to say you cannot do this and they seem to be relying on other organisations and forums like this one to advertise their policy (and it is only a policy although I think the sign at Kia Ora is authorised by the Crown Lands Act which they have powers under). However, you should not have to rely on other websites to find out what you can and cannot do.

Anyhow, the long and short of it is that we met a ranger just north of Pelion Gap. It was a rather unpleasant encounter and although he let us continue I felt very annoyed that we had been surprised by the sign at Kia Ora. We did not spend the night at Pelion but continued onto Lees Paddock for the night which meant we only had one night on the track. Parks, according to the Ranger, define the huts as nodes and you can only do one node on the OT regardless of the fact that you might only spend one night on the Track.

So.... I am wondering why Parks are reluctant to put their policy up on their own website.
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