Hut Wardens -Overland Track- Thanks!!

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Hut Wardens -Overland Track- Thanks!!

Postby Nuts » Wed 14 Dec, 2016 5:23 pm

It's almost 20yrs since the Hut Warden program started on the track with the new season just begun.

Throughout that time they have been wandering out there to take up residence in Waterfall Valley Hut each summer & iv'e seen them play an invaluable role in informing & keeping new walkers safe and the park safer from impact. Aside from this I imagine it's just simply reassuring for many to see someone welcoming, with experience and wealth of knowledge.

Iv'e seen instances and heard many accounts of going beyond the call to help out distressed walkers and can imagine this has occasionally been done with minimal acknowledgement from park staff as they pass through, busy, heading up the ladder or alternatively in the promotion of their own standing. Rest assured the efforts are noticed by all and appreciated by many of us (as well as, i'm sure, by the individuals themselves).

So, as a long time user of that track, thanks very much for your efforts. Those been and gone and especially those who go to considerable effort and personal expense to do this work, some year after year, well done!

We (myself and other drivers) have helped a few with transport from time to time. As mentioned to the (wildcare) rep last year, being local and often up there, am happy to help out anyone in that role when we are heading from Launceston to the park and back for work, or otherwise where possible (just send a message here with some days notice).

regards, Paul.
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Re: Hut Wardens -Overland Track- Thanks!!

Postby Son of a Beach » Thu 15 Dec, 2016 8:28 am

Agreed. When they first started appearing at Waterfall Valley, I found them to be very tedious, annoying nosy busy bodies who just got in the way of my passing through. But that's more my fault than theirs - I'm not that much of a people person. Eventually, I realised that they're not really there for people like me at all, but for people who don't really know what they're in for, despite having gotten that far. And there are a LOT of such people.

They do provide tremendous assistance to those people.

(And for me, I've learned how to avoid my own issues - I usually don't stop at Waterfall Valley at all. :-) ).

Best one I saw was a young Canadian bloke who had carried his skate board as far as Waterfall Valley because he had nowhere else to leave it while he was on the track. He had no wet weather gear apart from a plastic bag, a weird large rectangular rigid pack, and no sleeping bag at all! He insisted that he would be fine, but eventually, the warden persuaded him (with appropriate force) that he needed to turn around and go back the way he came. I think he managed to borrow enough gear to sleep through the night before heading back the next morning.
Last edited by Son of a Beach on Thu 15 Dec, 2016 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hut Wardens -Overland Track- Thanks!!

Postby Overlandman » Thu 15 Dec, 2016 10:50 am

Agreed as well.
I enjoyed my 6 seasons at Waterfall Valley, from the onset of the program. Can't believe it has been around 20 years.
I have many stories, it gave me a chance to meet many people including Nuts.
I enjoyed watching the different nationalities cooking.
Usually always snowed when I was there.
Most notable walker was the Russian in sandles. He spent a few days at Waterfall and headed south only to do his ankle ligaments heading down to frog flats. He was flown out from Pelion hut a couple of days later.
And then there was the Yvonne clause but that's another story 8)
I may get involved again in the future (when I retire)
Regards OLM
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Re: Hut Wardens -Overland Track- Thanks!!

Postby Nuts » Thu 15 Dec, 2016 3:37 pm

Ha, I thought of you the other day OLM. Came over a rise near Bowling Green and found some walkers backed up together, one of them yelled to warn me of the two snakes, 'somewhere there in the bushes'. I made a show of being equally scared, which in fact I am at close quarters. A vision of that brave wrangler in the ubiquitous blue overalls flashed by :) ... You should do again, you were a good'n.

I'm a bit the same SoB, more learned people skills than anything natural and still occasionally a challenge :| . On a private walk i'm just as likely to choose to meld into the forest. Seeing people in need and genuinely grateful melts much of the attitude though, and experienced walkers just have to accept that any attitude they have is, in itself, nothing new/ expect the person they will meet there will likely start from the basics/ give them a break. I was more fortunate in not having to be pinned down to that one place, and literally right on the doorstep at WFV like these 'guys'. The groundhog-day effect was a challenge too, same issues that many considered unique to themselves and dramatic played out day by day.

My post was prompted by recently hearing of a particular incident (that I wont recount). Just to say that between not having a lot of contact with each other, and fleeting contact with permanent staff, these people really don't get a lot of thanks. If anyone else feels the urge to do so feel free, I have heard a number mention they pass through this site. :)
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