Cradle to Everest Challenge

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Cradle to Everest Challenge

Postby Overlandman » Mon 09 Aug, 2021 2:47 pm

From ABC ... /100361358

Piotr Babis likes a challenge — even if it means running against icy cold wind and wading through waist-deep snow.

The long-distance runner from Poland, who has been living in Tasmania for more than two years, is known for his jaw-dropping physical feats, such as running the length of the Overland Track twice.

And his latest test of endurance and mental stamina is epic.

Dubbed his "Cradle to Everest" challenge, Babis completed 10 laps of running up and down the summit of Cradle Mountain during freezing winter conditions.
Whatever, Wherever, Whenever
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Joined: Sun 13 Nov, 2011 5:22 pm
Location: Tasmania
Region: Tasmania
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