Discussion specifically about the Overland Track should be posted in this subforum, including side trips and the Cradle Mountain day walk area. Alternative access routes and connecting routes belong in the parent forum.
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Wed 02 Oct, 2013 2:29 pm
anyone going Lake St Clair to Cradle mtn between Frid 4 and Frid 11 to share transport cost??
Or know of a service that operates this route?? Have emailed the main companies.
thanks Greg 0490098146
Sun 27 Oct, 2013 7:45 pm
Given everyone has to walk north to south during "the season", one would think that transport from Lake St Clair back to Cradle Mountain, would be a popular and easy thing to organise, but it appears not.
Tue 29 Oct, 2013 8:16 am
Bus to Hobart then bus to Launnie then bus/hitch / taxi (this has been the best option when you have 3 to 4 bodies).
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