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Discussion specifically about the Overland Track should be posted in this subforum, including side trips and the Cradle Mountain day walk area. Alternative access routes and connecting routes belong in the parent forum.

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Ballroom Forest Exact Location

Sat 01 Mar, 2014 5:36 pm

A simple question. I'm planning a walk at Cradle Mountain, and the final section of the walk drops down from Cradle Mtn face track to Lake Wilks then onto Dove Lake. I want to know - which way around Dove Lake should I go to take in the Ballroom Forest? Thanks. Gav.

Re: Ballroom Forest Exact Location

Sat 01 Mar, 2014 5:41 pm

Turn left (north-west) and you will pass through the amazing Ballroom Forest on the way back. The track pretty pops out at the southern extremity of Lake Dove.

Re: Ballroom Forest Exact Location

Sat 01 Mar, 2014 7:05 pm

Excellent thanks pazzar. :)

Re: Ballroom Forest Exact Location

Sat 01 Mar, 2014 8:31 pm

Watch out in bad weather, the descent off of the face track isn't too fun when the rock is covered in ice.
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